Emeritus Privileges
Return to the Emeritus Association website
- Emeritus/a status – UNI Policies & Procedures (http://policies.uni.edu/421)
- IT Support & Services: https://it.uni.edu/emeritus
- A University Identification Card indicating emeritus/a status (no initial cost; replacement fees apply)
- Listing on departmental website
- Listing in Emeritus/a Association website directory
- Library privileges: (https://library.uni.edu/find-borrow-request/borrowing-materials/emeritus-borrowing-information)
- Use of University recreational and social facilities, subject to usual fees, including the University Wellness Center. (recreation.uni.edu)
- Attendance at campus events open to University employees including campus seminars, colloquia, lectures and other scholarly meetings. Any fees charged to employees will be charged to emeriti. University announcements can be found at https://insideuni.uni.edu/announcements.
- Receipt of specified campus or departmental publications and sources of information
- Attendance at faculty meetings
- With consent of the instructor, the ability to informally audit courses is tuition-free. To do this, submit an IT Support & Services request at servicehub.uni.edu. After signing in using your CatID username and password, click the "Get IT Help" link and complete the resulting form. This information will allow IT to establish your Learning Management System access. If your password has expired, contact the IT Service Desk at (319) 273-5555.
- Use of office and/or laboratory space, as appropriate, and if available. Given space constraints on campus, such space will likely be shared and primarily used for research. Request should be directed to the appropriate department head and dean for consideration.
- Service on master’s and doctoral committees and on ad hoc committees appointed by various units of the University or service in a variety of consultant or advisory capacities to various units of the University
- Subject to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Principal Investigator Eligibility Guidelines, available on the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs website, emeritus/a faculty are eligible to receive institutional support for sponsored funding proposal preparation, submission to sponsor, and post-award administration (if funded). (https://rsp.uni.edu/key-players-post-award-management)
- Assignment to individual faculty studies in the University library (subject to availability)
- Free parking privileges in all A, B, or C parking lots. This will be one “E” sticker, available either to the emeritus faculty member or spouse/domestic partner.