Annual Goals & Reflection

The Annual Goals & Reflection document has been improved for utilization in Fall 2024.

Annual Goals: Due by your individual Fall meeting with your Department Head (before September 30)
  1. Download the template using the blue button at the bottom of this page and complete the GOALS section only. The reflection portions should be left blank.
  2. Save as a WORD document (please use your last name, first name in the name of the file)
  3. Upload the document to the Annual Goals & Reflection Jotform (link provided in Word template).
  4. You're done! A copy of your goals will be forwarded to your departmental office.


Annual Goals & Reflection: Due April 15
  1. Complete the remainder of the document you submitted in the Fall (pages 2-4). *Do not make changes to your goals (page 1)*  For your convenience, a copy of your fall submission will be sent to you to complete ahead of the April 15 deadline. 
  2. Save as a WORD document using the correct naming convention (ex: 2025_04_LastName_Annual_Goals_Reflect)
  3. Upload the document to the Annual Goals & Reflection Jotform (link provided in Word template).
  4. You're done! A copy of your Annual Goals & Reflection document will be forwarded to your departmental office for inclusion into your Faculty Evaluation File.