Beverly Funk Barnes Educator Excellence Award
The Beverly Funk Barnes Educator Excellence Award is focused on rewarding university faculty who continually create new value for those they work with through dedication, passion, and creativity for the benefit of the University of Northern Iowa (UNI). Based on the principle of “Fred the mailman” from Denver, Colorado, this award focuses on rewarding UNI employees whom embody the “Fred Factor.” For more information on the Fred Factor, visit these links: &
This UNI Foundation award is sponsored by the generous support of Andrea Barnes, who is “excited to acknowledge a faculty member going above and beyond for now and in the future.”
Any currently employed faculty member with a minimum of three years of service at UNI. Prior recipients are eligible for consideration provided they have demonstrated new examples of award fundamentals.
Nomination Process
To be considered for this award, potential recipients should be nominated by a UNI colleague or UNI student, or self-nominate. Nominations should be submitted by February 24, 2025 using the nomination form.
Nominators should answer two of the following questions in 500 words or less for each question selected.
- Describe how the nominee makes a difference at UNI.
- Everything is built on relationships. Provide an example of how the nominee has gone above and beyond by simply interacting with students and/or colleagues to build relationships for the betterment of the UNI family.
- UNI is often referred to as “doing more with less.” Provide an example of how the nominee demonstrated creativity using minimal resources which resulted in a positive outcome that benefits students or staff, and created value at UNI.
- One of the Fred Principles is based around “reinventing” one’s self. Provide an example of when the nominee willingly took on a new challenge or task outside their experience or expertise in an effort to benefit the team.
The awards committee consists of faculty, staff members, and students. College Senate Chairs recommend faculty members from each college (one from CBA, CSBS, Library and COE and two from CHAS) as representatives to the Provost & Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs (Provost). In addition, two Merit staff, two P&S staff, and three UNI students will be recommended to the Senior Vice President for Finance and Operations (Senior VP) to be selected. The committee will review all applications and forward recommendations to the Provost and Senior VP. The committee’s recommendations shall remain confidential until the Provost and Senior VP announce the recipients.
Award Recipients
2023: Megan Balong, Teaching
2022: Angela Cox, Library
Amanda McCandless, School of Music
2021: Kimberly Cline-Brown, Biology
Danielle McGeough, Communication & Media
2020: Gretta Berghammer, Theatre
Alicia Rosburg, Economics
2019: Doug Shaw, Mathematics