Professional Development Assignment (PDA)

We encourage, assist, and support faculty research and creative activities

A PDA provides a maximum stipend, including appropriate fringe benefits, of full salary for one semester or one-half salary for the academic year.

According to Subdivision 4.15c of the Faculty Handbook, only tenured faculty members are eligible to apply for Professional Development Assignment (PDA). 

A recipient of a PDA is ineligible for a subsequent PDA during the SIX academic years of active service following an award. Additionally, a PDA recipient is ineligible to receive a Summer Fellowship the summer prior to the academic year of the PDA and the subsequent summer of the PDA (subdivision 4.16c).

Committee members include:

  • Kimberly Baker
  • Jonathan Chenoweth
  • Amy Nielsen (Chair)
  • Nicole Skaar
  • Ali Tabei
  • Lei Wag
  • Jolene Zigarovich

Timeline & Process

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Important Dates for Faculty

  • April 15 - August 1: Meet with Department Head and work on application materials
  • August 1: Deadline for application submission
  • August 8: Deadline for Department Heads and Deans to acknowledge PDA requests
  • End of October: Decision notifications will be distributed to applicants

Additional Process Information

Procedure and Review Process

The submitted PDA Jotform application will be reviewed and evaluated by the Professional Development Assignment Committee; one faculty member to represent each of CBA, COE, and CSBS and two members to represent CHAS.  Applicants will be notified in writing of the Committee decision within six weeks of the application deadline.  

NOTE:  A Human Participant Review Form must be filed and must receive approval from the UNI Institutional Review Board before the Professional Development Assignment begins if the project involves human subjects, e.g., questionnaires, surveys, interviews, secondary data analysis.  Allow at least fourteen days for the review process to be completed. Information and application forms are available on RSP's Website or by calling 273-6148.  A copy of the IRB approval letter must either accompany the application or be submitted to Graduate Studies before the PDA period.

It is extremely important that Professional Development Assignment applications be written for intelligent lay readers who may not be familiar with the scholarly literature, terminology, or details associated with the applicant's field of research or creative activity. Thus the readability of the proposal--its prose quality and appearance--will affect the reader's response. Supportive letters from individuals other than the applicant--except for letters from editors, publishers, or gallery directors confirming acceptance of a manuscript or exhibition--are not appropriate to this competition and will be disregarded by the Committee.

Proposal components and evaluation criteria

Eligible Professional Development Assignment projects fall into one of three categories: 1) research; 2) creative activity; or 3) work toward a terminal degree.  All three categories are required to complete and submit an electronic Professional Development Assignment Application, which includes:

  • Previous UNI awards
  • Project Abstract (single spaced 350 words maximum)
  • Current Vita (five page maximum)
  • Proposal Components details (2500 words maximum)
  • Impact of PDA Award on Teaching  Service

The following types of projects are not eligible for funding:

  • Curriculum development that is judged to be of a routine nature and thus an expected part of university teaching responsibilities;
  • Travel whose primary purpose is to broaden an individual perspective or to enhance classroom presentations.

The recipient of a Professional Development Assignment must abide by appropriate sections of the UNI faculty handbook. In particular, the recipient of a Professional Development Assignment “shall agree either to return to the institution granting such assignment for a period of not less than two years or to repay to the State of Iowa such compensation as [the staff member] shall have received during such assignment.” (Iowa Code § 262.9(14))

Research project: Proposal components

Accordion Limit to 2500 words, including citations which can be single spaced. Format 1-inch margins, 12-inch fonts, 2500 words including references.

  • Context; Significance and objectives: What is the overall nature of the project?  Specifically, what do you wish to accomplish? How does this project contribute to the scholarly discipline, your past research activity, and your career goals? How does your project fit within the established scholarly literature? Demonstrate how the project contributes to the improvement of the University and benefits the citizens of Iowa.
  • Methods and timetable: How will you accomplish the established objectives?  What means will be used to evaluate completion of the objectives?  Draw up a timetable that estimates your schedule during the Assignment period.  Indicate the status of Human Participant Review if needed for the project.
  • Dissemination and long-range importance: Describe specific plans for sharing the results of your research through scholarly presentations and/or publication.  How will you build upon the results of your PDA work?  Are there sources of external funding to expand the project content.
Creative activity: Proposal components

This can be any work of art/project, creative writing, music, theatre. Limit to 2500 words, including citations which can be single spaced.

  • Context; Significance and objectives: What is the overall nature of the project? Specifically, what do you wish to accomplish? How does this project contribute to the scholarly discipline, your past research activity, and your career goals? How does your project fit within the established scholarly literature? Demonstrate how the project contributes to the improvement of the University and benefits the citizens of Iowa.
  • Methods and timetable: How will you accomplish the established objectives? What means will be used to evaluate completion of the objectives? Draw up a timetable that estimates your schedule during the Assignment period. Indicate the status of Human Participant Review if needed for the project.
  • Dissemination and long-range importance: Describe specific plans for sharing the results of your research through scholarly presentations and/or publication. How will you build upon the results of your PDA work? Are there sources of external funding to expand the project?
  • This competitive program is open to all full-time tenured faculty. There are no quotas by college and department.
  • Follow the format suggested in the PDA guidelines, including the specified page limits. Don’t create your own format.
  • Letters of support are not appropriate to this competition and will be disregarded by the Committee.
  • Prepare your application for a committee of faculty from across the campus.
  • Use the statements and questions outlined in Proposal Components as guides.
  • Indicate completion of work proposed in previous UNI awards related to the application. If no prior UNI awards, include a note in the application section rather than eliminating the section.
  • Be as precise as possible in describing the timetable for completion of your project. It is important to tie the work being proposed to the time frame of the PDA period; i.e. one semester or academic year. If you are collaborating with others, your specific contributions to the project should be stated.
  • A context or statement of the problem is required for all proposals, and it should be focused on the information needed to understand how the project fits into the scholarly field. It does not have to be exhaustive.
  • Specificity is important in the Dissemination/Long Range Importance details including External Funding Sources.
  • The abstract will be used to create the report to the Board of Regents on recommended PDAs. Write it for a general audience, focusing on the major points and the benefit to UNI and the citizens of Iowa.
  • You may review examples of successful Professional Development Assignment applications from previous years. Please contact the Provost Office (319-273-2519) to set up a time to review applications.
Previous Recipients