Ross A. Nielsen Professional Service Award

Eligibility and Criteria

  • All tenured faculty, including department heads who have been on the faculty at UNI for at least five years are eligible. Such eligibility includes individuals who are employed at least half-time, those on a leave-of-absence during consideration, and those who are in their final year of employment prior to retirement. A faculty member may receive this award only once; however, recipients are not precluded from consideration for other University awards.
  • To be eligible, individuals must possess and document a meritorious record of internal service and external service. Service is defined as continuing productive service that is related to the candidate's profession, the University, various organizational elements, and to society.
    • Internal Service is that provided to the University and/or its various elements. Internal services includes, but is not limited to significant involvement on committees involved with establishing and implementing policies, programs, and procedures, as well as involvement with student organizations and student life.
    • ​External Service is that provided to individuals, groups and/or organizations outside the University. External service involves, but is not limited to, activities such as work performed for professional associations, journals, and external constituent groups.
    • A comprehensive contribution to both internal and external service should be reflected by the individual receiving this award. Both are of value to the ongoing welfare of the University and to the professional development of the faculty. It becomes the responsibility of the selection committee to identify the individual faculty member whose overall professional service contributions have provided the greatest effect on the University, the profession, and society. It will be uncommon that the recipient of the award has presented a record of contribution in but one of the two service areas.

Selection Procedures

  1. The selection process begins with the nomination of faculty by colleagues. A nomination form must be completed by November 4, 2024, which will forwarded to the Chair of your College Senate. The nomination form includes an indication of the nominee's willingness to be named and a brief description of how the nominated faculty member's service merits consideration for this award.
  2. The College Senate Chair will refer nominations to the College Awards Committee, which will select a maximum of two faculty members to be forwarded to the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President via the nominee submission form by November 18, 2024.
  3. The nominees that are selected by the College Awards Committee will be notified by the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President. The nominees will compile the following materials and submit them using the nominee application  by February 24, 2025
    • A current vita
    • *optional* annotated service history (max of 5 pages) listing the nominee's most important service activities (university, community, and disciplinary) relating to their role as a member of the faculty
    • A maximum of five additional supportive documents (e.g., letters referring to the quality of service; reports that were products of the service).

Selection Committee

The University Committee is selected by the Provost or designee in consultation with College Senate Chairs. It will consist of one representative from each academic college, one student, and two members of the Emeritus Faculty Association. It will review all materials and forward a recommendation to the Provost and Executive Vice President.  The Committee’s recommendation shall remain confidential until the Provost and Executive Vice President announces the recipient.  

Award Recipients

2023-24:  Bryce Kanago, Economics                                                                   Heather Peyton, Music

2022-23:  Cara Burnidge, Philosophy & World Religions
                  Leigh Zeitz, Curriculum & Instruction

2021-22:   Becky Hawbaker, Teaching
                  Ben Schafer, Computer Science

2020-21:  Julianne Gassman, Community Engagement
                 James Mattingly, Management

2019-20:  Chad Heinzel, Earth and Environmental Sciences

2018-19:   Amy Petersen, Special Education

2017-18:   Russell Campbell, Mathematics

2016-17:   Barbara Weeg, Rod Library

2015-16:   Nadene Davidson, Teaching

2014-15:   Francis Degnin, Philosophy & World Religions

2013-14:   Tim Gilson, Ed. Leadership & Postsecondary Ed.

2012-13:   Rip Marston, Physical Education & Leisure Services

2011-12:    Iradge Ahrabi-Fard, Health, Phys. Ed. & Leisure Serv.

2010-11:    Lawrence Escalada, Physics

2009-10:  Gayle Pohl, Communication Studies‌

2008-09: Martha Reineke, Philosophy and World Religions
                 Cherin Lee, Biology

2007-08:  Daniel Power, Management

2006-07:  Kurt Meredith, Curriculum & Instruction

2005-06:  Daryl Smith, Biology

2004-05:  Kent Sandstrom, Soc/Anthro/Crim

2003-04:  Michele Yehieli, HPELS

2002-03:  Victoria DeFrancisco, Communication Studies

2001-02:   Mark Grey, SAC

2000-01:   Richard Allen Hays, Public Policy

1999-00:   Jack Wilkinson, Mathematics

1998-99:   Lyn Countryman, Teaching     

1997-98:   Gregory Stefanich, Curriculum & Instruction

1996-97:   Gaylon Halverson, Accounting     

1995-96:   William Waack, Teacher Education   

1994-95:   Bonnie Litwiller, Mathematics     

1993-94:   James Doud, ELCPSE       

1992-93:   Myra Boots, Communicative Disorders