Academic Department Heads and Directors Handbook


Table of Contents


General Department Head Academic Year Calendar

Campus Safety:


Academic Awards

  • Awards – Faculty
  • Awards – Student

Academic Program Review


Alumni and Development

  • Alumni Association
  • Development Campaign
  • Foundation, UNI
  • Fundraising Calendar

Board of Regents, State of Iowa

Budget and Finance

  • Account Reconciliation Process
  • Annual Financial Report
  • Budget, UNI Fiscal
  • Budget Reports and Schedules
  • End of Year Spending
  • Equipment Inventories
  • Faculty Searches, Expenses for
  • Local Activity Reports
  • Self Support Funds (formerly Local Activity Reports)
  • Student Activity Fees
  • Summer Session Budgets
  • Supplies and Services Budgets
  • UNI e-Business Suite


  • Committees, Faculty
  • Committees, University
  • University Council 

Computer Technology

  • Computer Labs
  • Computer Training and Workshops
  • Information Technology (IT)
  • IT Educational Technology and Media Services (ETMS)
  • My UNIverse
  • Plagiarism Policy
  • Security Request System (SRS)
  • Service Hub


  • Adjunct Requests
  • Catalog of Courses
  • Curriculum Process
  • Experimental Temporary Courses
  • Student Outcomes Assessment (SOA)
  • University Catalog

Diversity Matters

Diversity Council

Emergencies/Campus Safety

  • UNI Alert: Emergency Notification System
  • Reporting a Concern about a Student or Others
  • Recognizing People in Distress
  • When to Refer a Student for Counseling
  • How to Refer a Student to Counseling
  • Violent or Criminal Behavior
  • Line of Authority
  • Reporting Sexual Abuse
  • Weather-Related Emergencies
  • Tornado Safety
  • Fire Safety
  • Sick Leave (Emergency, Funeral, Pallbearer, etc.)

Evaluation of the Department Head

Executive Vice President and Provost, Office of the

External Relations

  • Governmental Relations
  • UNI Calendar of Events
  • University Marketing and Public Relations

Facilities Operations

  • Cancellation of Classes
  • Classroom and Building Maintenance
  • Facilities Planning and Advisory Committee
  • Facilities Planning Procedures
  • Facilities Services
  • Physical Plant
  • Reduced Operations
  • University Shutdown Policies – Weather and Working Conditions


  • Faculty Review Process
  • Faculty Roster
  • Faculty Senate
  • United Faculty (UF)


  • Forms Repository


  • Academic Affairs – Organizational Chart
  • Academic Affairs Council (AAC)
  • Annual Report to the Dean
  • Board of Regents, State of Iowa
  • Chairperson of the Faculty
  • Council of Academic Department Heads (CADH)
  • Faculty Senate
  • Graduate Council
  • Master Agreement
  • Policies and Procedures Manual
  • Strategic Plan
  • AFSCME – American Foundation of State, Country, and Municipal Employees
  • University Council

Grants and Awards

  • Graduate College
  • Office of Sponsored Programs


  • Academic Administrators
  • Adjunct Faculty
  • Hiring Toolkit
  • Office of Compliance and Equity Management
  • Staff, Merit
  • Staff, Merit Supervisory and Confidential (SCMP)
  • Staff, Professional and Scientific (P&S)
  • Temporary Staff, Merit
  • Temporary Staff, P&S

Institutional Research/Data

  • Data Access and Repository Services
  • Data Definitions
  • Enrollment Data
  • Grade Distribution Report
  • Institutional Data Requests
  • Reports
  • Research Protocol
  • Statistics
  • Surveys
  • UNI Student Profile Summary

Intellectual Property/Technology Transfer

  • Intellectual Properties – UNI Policies and Procedures
  • Intellectual Property  

Leaves and Absences

  • Absence Reports – Faculty
  • Absence Reports – P&S and Merit Staff
  • Absence Reports, Extended Leave – Faculty
  • Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
  • Jury Duty – Faculty
  • Jury Duty – Merit Staff
  • Jury Duty – P&S Staff
  • Leaves and Absences – Faculty
  • Leaves/Absences – Policies and Procedures
  • Professional Development Assignment (PDA) – Application Form and Guidelines
  • Professional Development Assignment (PDA) – Faculty Handbook
  • Sick Leave, Faculty
  • Sick Leave, Merit Staff
  • Sick Leave, P&S Staff
  • Time Cards – How to Create, Review, Edit
  • Holidays
  • Vacations


  • Library Reserve Request
  • Rod Library – Faculty and Emeritus Study Rooms
  • Rod Library – List of Services


Office Procedures

  • Catering – Take Out and Delivery (Online Service)
  • Catering, Department of Residence
  • Forms Repository
  • Hours of Operation, University –Wide
  • Inside UNI
  • Keys
  • Mail
  • Purchasing
  • Voice Services – Telephone Services

Organizational Charts, UNI Administrative

Peer Institutions


  • Confidential Employees (Non-contract)
  • Merit Supervisory and Confidential Employees, Non-contract
  • Positional Evaluation, Professional and Scientific Staff
  • RISCAC – Regents Inter-Institutional Supervisory and Confidential Advisory Council
  • Supervisory Employees (Non-contract)
  • Training, Merit Staff
  • Training, P&S Staff

Policies and Procedures

  • Policies and Procedures

President, Office of the

  • Office of the President


  • Professional Assessment Committee (PAC)
  • Promotion/Tenure

Public Events

  • Calendar of Events
  • Conference Planning Guide, Department of Residence

Public Safety

  • Campus Police
  • Parking Regulations
  • Public Safety


  • Office of Sponsored Programs


  • Emeritus Association (UNIEA)
  • Emeritus Faculty – Policies and Procedures
  • Emeritus Faculty Roster
  • Emeritus Status, Definition of
  • Emeritus Status, Request for
  • Retirement
  • Retirement – Phased Retirement
  • Retirement Benefits Checklist
  • Retirement Programs – IPERS
  • Retirement Programs – Supplement Tax Sheltered Annuities (TSA)
  • Retirement Programs – TIAA


  • Pay Matrix, Merit
  • Pay Matrix, P&S


  • Scheduling, Campus Events
  • Scheduling, Center for Multicultural Education (CME)
  • Scheduling, Classrooms
  • Scheduling, Maucker Union
  • Scheduling, Non-university Events
  • Scheduling, Outdoor Events

Strategic Plan


  • Academic Ethics/Discipline
  • Academic Learning Center
  • Academic Warning, Probation, and Suspension
  • Academics
  • Adding a Class
  • Capstone Courses
  • Career Cruising
  • Career Fair
  • Career Peers
  • Career Services
  • Change of Registration Form
  • College Preview Days
  • Continuing and Distance Education 
  • Continuing Education and Special Programs
  • Co-op Education/Internship Orientation Schedule
  • Cooperative Education/Internship Program
  • Counseling Center
  • Declaring/Changing a Major
  • Degree Audits
  • Dropping a Class
  • Financial Aid
  • Grad Pact – Four-Year Graduation
  • Honors Program
  • Honors Program, Presidential Scholars
  • Intercollegiate Academics Fund (IAF)
  • Individual Studies Major
  • Innovative Teaching and Technology Center (ITTC)
  • International Students, Undergraduate
  • International Study Program
  • Jump Start
  • Liberal Arts Core (LAC)
  • Major/Minor
  • Overseas Fair
  • Plan of Study
  • Registration Information
  • Student Assessments
  • Student Disability Services
  • Student Grievances – Formal Academic Grievance Form for Graduate Students
  • Student Grievances – Formal Academic Grievance Form for Undergraduate Students
  • Student Grievances, Discipline – Graduate Assistantship Grievance
  • Student Grievances, Discipline – Graduate Student Academic Grievance
  • Student Grievances, Discipline – Undergraduate Student Academic Grievance
  • Student Handbook – Graduate
  • Student Health Clinic
  • Student Requests
  • Transfer Students
  • Writing Guide, Online


  • Academic Advising
  • Faculty – Beginning Date
  • Faculty – Office Hours
  • Faculty Workload
  • Final Exam Policy
  • Student Assessment, Guidelines
  • Syllabus
  • Test Scoring
  • Test Scoring – Scanner for Optical Mark Reading


  • Educational Technology – Audio/Video Production Services
  • Education Technology – Digital Design Services
  • Educational Technology
  • Internet, Phone and Video Connections
  • MyCourses


  • Carpool/Motor Vehicles
  • Travel Authorization/Reimbursement Form
  • Travel Guidelines
  • Travel with Students
  • Travel Abroad


  • American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees – AFSCME
  • United Faculty – UF
  • Master Agreement

Wellness and Recreation

  • Wellness and Recreation

Other Resources:

UNI Administration

Council of Academic Department Heads (CADH)

Helpful URL Lists

Who to Call When

Who’s Who on Campus

Glossary of Abbreviations

Resources in Print

General Department Head Academic Year Calendar

For UNI's current Calendar of Events:


1. Fiscal year begins

2. Some Heads take their vacation month at this time, thus some items this month would be done in June or in August. (Typical vacation time = 4 weeks during the summer, non-paid)

3. Update Department Handbook, Bylaws, etc. for new academic year

4. Assign mentors for new faculty members (if utilized)

5. Paperwork for new employees - PAF, book orders, office assignment, keys, phone, E-mail, parking, supplies, etc. (See Preparing for a New Faculty Member Checklist)

6. Prepare faculty/staffing plan: hires, retirements, promotions for the coming year.

7. Complete Request for new faculty lines being requested.

8. Review final accounting statements concerning S&S Budget, and project budget for new academic year.


1. Begin planning with the faculty for Spring Semester Schedule

2. Some Colleges have a Head’s Retreat

3. Get new Department Handbook, Bylaws to all faculty, adjuncts, and staff

4. Instructor’s syllabi due in office first week of semester

5. Create schedule of faculty meetings for semester

6. New faculty orientation in your own department

7. Search requisitions written and approved; ads prepared

8. Finalize department committees and College representatives

9. Schedule Deans’ annual visit to department (if apropos)

10. Set up Department Head meetings with individual faculty members (meetings must occur by end of September)


1. PAC Chairs and Department Head review Departmental Standards and Criteria

2. Begin thinking about nominations for faculty awards (See Provost's website)

3. Spring Semester Class Schedule due

4. Adjunct Request due to Deans for spring semester

5. PAC begins activities (Meets to discuss and vote on cases through November)

6. Schedule observations for appropriate faculty classes through November


1. Head calls for new equipment requests from faculty and staff

2. PDA Applications due (if offered)

3. Recruit faculty members to attend Fall Commencement

4. PAC activities on-going in the departments

5. Request Summer Sessions Teaching Requests from faculty

6. Outstanding Graduate Thesis Recommendation due

7. Faculty Research Award nominations due to Dean

8. Deadline for submission of materials to PAC

9. Deadline for Initial Follow-up Report for Performance Improvement Plan following Comprehensive Post-Tenure Review


1. Remind faculty that Summer Fellowship Applications are due next month (suspended 2019)

2. Outstanding Teaching Award nominations

3. Outstanding Service Award nominations

4. Review Summer Sessions Schedule faculty requests

5. Work on Summer Sessions Schedule


1. Summer Fellowship Applications due (Suspended 2019)

2. Summer Session Schedule and Budget Request due to Dean

3. Paperwork for new Adjuncts - PAF, book orders, office assignment, keys, phone, E-Mail, parking, supplies, etc. (See Preparing for a New Faculty Member Checklist)

4. Promotion and Tenure: Deadline for Recommendation of Termination of 2nd Year Probationary Faculty Member

5. Remind instructors of Final Exam Policy

6. Work on Equipment Request

7. Department PAC’s Report due to Heads

8. Commencement


1. Review ongoing scholarship students’ grades, and release monies if they qualify for continuing scholarship.

2. Instructors’ syllabi due in office first week of semester

3. Create schedule of faculty meetings

4. Begin planning with the faculty for Fall Semester Schedule

5. Summer Sessions Schedule due

6. Recommendation of Heads concerning probationary faculty, and promotion and tenure due to Dean

7. Work with Search Committees on faculty searches


1. Calls for scholarship applications

2. Equipment Requests due to Dean

3. Work on Local Activity Account Requests for Dean

4. Fall Semester Schedule due

5. Adjunct Requests for Fall Semester due to Dean

6. Make scholarship decisions

7. Bring search finalists to campus for interviews

8. Recruit faculty members to attend Spring Commencement


1. Scholarship-awarding activities

2. Announce Faculty Activity Reports due April 15

3. Memorandum of Summer Faculty Appointments due to faculty

4. Local Activity Budgets due


1. Faculty Activity Reports and Merit Requests due – Head begins review

2. Summer Session Addendum Budget report due to Academic Affairs

3. Warn faculty that all faculty travel receipts must be turned in

4. Get Lab Inventory Requests out to faculty and staff (if applicable)

5. Head issues call to service with list of current committee memberships

6. Head asks for requests for repairs, maintenance, and painting for summer and has staff submit to the proper unit

7. Remind instructors of Final Exam Policy

8. Begin evaluation of Merit and P&S Staff


1. Commencement

2. Review scholarship students’ grades, and release monies if they qualify for continuing scholarship

3. Student Assessments for all faculty reviewed by Head

4. Head writes Annual Review (Merit) Letters for faculty

5. Lab Inventory due to Controller (if applicable)


1. Assure that all S&S Budget monies are spent

2. Faculty Salary Letters due

3. End of Fiscal Year





Awards - Faculty

• Class of 1943 Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching -

• Ross A. Nielsen Professional Service Award –

o Awarded to tenured faculty for meritorious internal and external service.

• Regents Awards for Faculty Excellence –

o Rewards tenured faculty for sustained excellence in teaching, scholarship and service.

• Veridian Credit Union Community Engagement Award

o Recognizes outstanding contributions by faculty to the greater community.

• Excellence in Teaching in the Liberal Arts Core Award –

o All faculty who regularly teach LAC courses and have been employed by UNI for at least three years are eligible.

• Distinguished Scholar Award –

o Recognizes UNI Graduate School faculty members with at least five years of employment at UNI and a national or international reputation for scholarly or creative work.

• James Lubker Faculty Research Award -

o Recognizes full time faculty members, employed at least five years, for exceptional, original contributions to research and scholarship, including the fine arts.

• Outstanding Graduate Faculty Teaching Award -

o Recognizes outstanding teaching in the graduate programs by tenure track or tenured faculty employed at least three years as graduate faculty.

Awards - Student

• Merchant Scholarship –

o Provide financial assistance to University of Northern Iowa alumni to pursue full-time graduate education at any accredited post-baccalaureate graduate or professional school.

• Student Scholarship Page –

• Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award –

• Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award –

• Outstanding Creative Master’s Thesis Award –

• Outstanding Masters Research Paper Award –

Individual Colleges also offer various faculty and student awards.

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The programs in each academic unit at UNI are reviewed regularly-generally on seven-year cycles. Departments produce unit self-studies during the fall semester of the year of the review, and external reviewers conduct their reviews of the programs and submit their reports during the spring semester. A handbook of procedures for academic program review and student outcomes assessment is updated annually by a faculty/administrative committee. The book, "Detailed Procedures for Academic Program Review and Student Outcomes Assessment", contains the long-term master calendar for academic program review and is available online.

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The University of Northern Iowa is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA).

Accreditation review takes place every ten years. Specific information relating to accreditation and assessment is available from the UNI Office of Academic Assessment.

Several individual departments and disciplines at UNI are accredited by discipline-specific bodies. Consult individual departments or colleges for discipline-specific accreditation information.

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Alumni Association

The University of Northern Iowa Alumni Association seeks to connect graduates and friends of Northern Iowa – past, present and future.

The UNI Alumni Association maintains a directory of members online:

Development Campaign

The current campaign or projects are described online:

Foundation, UNI

The UNI Foundation, a separate organization that has functioned since 1959 for the sole benefit of the University of Northern Iowa, its programs and its students, operates under federal tax law 501(c)3. On the general nature of the UNI Foundation, see:

Fundraising Calendar

The UNI Foundation maintains a calendar of fundraising events. Events are posted as information becomes available.

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The Board of Regents consists of a group of nine citizen volunteers appointed by Iowa’s Governor to provide policymaking, coordination, and oversight of the state’s educational institutions and affiliated centers.

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Account Reconciliation Process

It is the responsibility of account holders to reconcile their accounts and abstain from deficit spending. All departments should review their accounts regularly to verify that transactions have been posted properly to their accounts. The Financial Accounting and Reporting Services department describes the processes utilized in the Account Reconciliation Process, including:

• Accounts Available for Viewing

• Budget Detail Report

• Encumbrance Summary

• Funds Available for Viewing

• Grants and Contracts Green Bar Report (G&C Accounting Financial Summary)

• My UNIverse

• Payroll Expense Report

• Personnel Expenditures Report (Salary Savings)

• Statement of Account Financial Summary Report

• Statement of Account

• Summary Trial Balance

• Transaction Detail Report (by specific account only)

Annual Financial Report

Current and past UNI Annual Financial Reports are provided in PDF format online.

Budget, UNI Fiscal

Available in paper form in the Rod Library. To find current Budget Reports online, go to “My UNIverse” on the UNI Home Page Click on “Reporting,” then click on “Select Online Reports.”

Budget Reports and Schedules

End of Year Spending

Supplies and Services and several other budgets do not “roll over” from one fiscal year to the next. So heads should make every attempt to expend their S&S budgets well in advance of the end of the fiscal year. Money from department S&S budgets not spent by July 1 reverts to a central UNI budget line. Sometimes college deans provide end of the year money to departments. Generally such money is reserved for equipment purchases.

Equipment Inventories

Department heads are responsible for the equipment housed in their units. Department equipment is inventoried by the Office of Business Operations (273-3527). Periodically, checks are made by the Controller’s Office to determine if equipment is in fact where it is inventoried. Information regarding purchase and inventory of equipment can be found on the Office of Business Operations web site:

Faculty Searches, Expenses for

Normally, college deans assist with expenses of candidates for faculty positions. Departments also pay search-related expenses (i.e., position advertisements, housing expenses for candidates in local motels, expenses for faculty members having meals with job candidates, etc.).

Local Activity Reports

See Self Support Funds.

Self Support Funds (formerly Local Activity Reports)

Self-Support Funds are essentially from an activity that generates its own revenue; an independent budget with its own revenue source. These funds are independent of the General Fund. Department Heads complete annual worksheets, review revenues, and make projections for the next fiscal year.

Student Activity Fees

Student Activity Fee monies are made available to student organizations that work to meet the educational mission of the University through academic, cultural, and personal growth. Additional information can be found on the Northern Iowa Student Government web page.

Summer Session Budgets

UNI offers summer courses in a variety of session formats each year from early May to early August. Department heads normally plan summer session schedules in late December and early January. Summer budgets are set by the academic deans and based partly upon enrollment history and partly upon predictions of what courses will likely enroll a reasonable number of students.

Supplies and Services Budgets

Each academic unit is supported by a Supplies and Services (S&S) budget out of which most department expenses are drawn. Department S&S budgets are available online. For Budget Reports, go to “My UNIverse” on the UNI Home Page: Click on “Reporting”, then click on “Select Online Reports.” S&S budgets may be used to pay for such items as faculty/staff travel, equipment, equipment maintenance contracts, student workers, office supplies, photocopying, telecommunications, postage, and miscellaneous purchases.

UNI e-Business Suite (formerly MEMFIS)

The University of Northern Iowa maintains a campus-wide matrix of financial management software called e-Business Suite. It serves as software for human resources, payroll, purchasing, accounts payable, grants and contracts, projects, and budgeting.

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Committees, Faculty

Faculty Committees and committees reporting to the President and Executive Vice President and Provost can be found online.

Committees, University

A list of University Committees can be found online.

University Council

The University Council is a one-hour meeting, four times a year, of key university administrative officers. President Nook will discuss issues of importance to the university community, often with the assistance of other university administrators. The University Council includes the President, Provost, Vice Presidents, Vice Provosts, Associate/Assistant Provosts, Associate/Assistant Vice Presidents, Deans, Associate/Assistant Deans, Directors, Department Chairs and other key personnel.

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Computer Labs

Computer Training and Workshops

Information Technology (IT)

• Accounts and Passwords

• Internet, Phone, and Video Connections

• Help and Support

• Software and Hardware

• Service Hub

• Web Publishing

• Statistics

• E-mail

• Labs, Classrooms, and Instructional Resources

• Computer Training and Workshops

• Security and Policies

• Enterprise Services

• IT Employment

IT Educational Technology and Media Services (ETMS)

IT Educational Technology and Media Services is a division of Information Technology Services (IT). Its mission is to promote and support the use of educational technologies by providing services to strengthen teaching, learning, and other university endeavors.

My UNIverse

Faculty, staff and students may access all available UNI web resources from a single, personalized web page by clicking on the My UNIverse link on the UNI home page.

For help using My UNIverse and for Frequently Asked Questions:

Plagiarism Policy

Security Request System (SRS)

Service Hub

Service Hub allows UNI students, faculty and staff to notify technical support personnel about issues or problems they are having with their information technology (IT), submit requests for new IT services, or browse solutions to common IT problems. Service Hub can be accessed under the Work@UNI tab on MyUNIverse, or at

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Adjunct Requests

Academic deans normally ask department heads to submit requests for adjunct support to teach department courses and/or Liberal Arts Core courses in January of each year for the following academic year. Funds for adjuncts normally are drawn from open salary lines and/or salary savings. Sometimes the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost provides money for adjuncts to colleges with faculty on Professional Development Assignments.

Catalog of Courses

Curriculum Process

The UNI Curriculum and proposals to change it are the province of the UNI faculty. Curriculum change at both the undergraduate and graduate levels generally proceeds on a one-year cycle. Proposed curriculum changes (e.g. alterations of major/minor requirements, additions of courses, etc.) move through departments and their academic colleges. Changes are reviewed by university committees, the Faculty Senate and the Office of the Registrar. Policies and Procedures regarding curriculum changes can be found under the Resources tab on MyUNIverse, or at

Experimental/Temporary Courses

Can be offered under the x59 designation up to three times, after which the course must either be dropped or, to be offered again, must be approved as a new course. Since x59 courses are not a part of the established university curriculum and are not listed in the catalog, the decision to offer them, after approval by the department, is an administrative one between the appropriate department head(s) and college dean(s). Approval and scheduling of x59 courses should be reported in duplicate on Form 59 to the Chairman of the University Curriculum Committee and to the Registrar.

UNI Policy and Procedures 2.02 Academic Program Review provides a review process for New or Expanded Programs at Regent Universities.

Student Outcomes Assessment (SOA)

The ongoing administration of Student Outcomes Assessment procedures for the programs of academic units is a major aspect of Academic Program Review. UNI departments employ a variety of different outcomes assessment procedures. (See Academic Program Review).

University Catalog

This University of Northern Iowa publication contains general information regarding fees, curricula, and related policies and procedures. Every effort has been made to make this information accurate as of the date of publication; however, all policies, procedures, fees and charges are subject to change at any time by appropriate action of the faculty, the university administration, or the Board of Regents, State of Iowa.

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Learn about UNI’s commitment to diversity and view updates on activities at

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The Diversity Council is responsible for providing the leadership and coordination necessary to achieve the diversity related goals of the university. The Vice President for Student Affairs chairs the council. Council members include the Executive Vice President and Provost; Vice President for Administration and Finance; Vice President for Student Affairs; Vice President for University Advancement; NISG Vice President; Director of the Academic Learning Center; and Assistant to the President for Compliance and Equity Management.

Responsibility for chairing the Council will rest initially with the Vice President for Student Affairs, but will rotate in the future among the vice presidents. The council meets monthly provides quarterly updates.

To ensure broad participation and support for planned initiatives, the council will form and charge a Diversity Advisory Committee, and will appoint a chair who will also serve on the council.

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The University of Northern Iowa is committed to the safety and well-being of all students, faculty and staff.  There are multiple plans and teams in place to prevent, address and solve safety concerns on campus, as well as a group equipped to respond to an actual crisis. These teams include: Assessment and Consultation Team for Students, Critical Incident Assessment and Consultation Team for Faculty/Staff, Bias Response Team, Case Management Team, UNI Issues Group, and the Crisis Response Team. Descriptions of these teams and membership lists can be found on the UNI Alert website under Resources on Prevention and Response to Critical Incidents at:

Please be an active and responsible campus citizen by doing your part to maintain our safe environment. Review the following information and address concerns where you see them.

For more information and resources, visit

UNI ALERT: Emergency Notification System

UNI is working to enhance emergency notification for faculty, staff, and students. As part of this project we have created the UNI Alert emergency notification system to inform the campus community of emergencies or threats to physical safety in situations such as tornados/severe weather, violence, hazardous materials, etc. Notification is through phone (landline and cell) e-mail and text messages. External speakers with sirens and voice messaging are used for outdoor communication of emergency situations. See for additional information. This system will only be used to inform our campus community of a broad-based imminent threat or emergency on campus.

In the event of an actual emergency, you will be given instructions of what to do in the message you receive. Go to the UNI Home page ( for up-to-date information.

Faculty, staff, and students should update their personal contact information (through my Universe) to ensure that timely and accurate notification can be made.

Reporting a Concern about a Student or Others

UNI faculty, staff or students who are concerned about the behavior of an individual who is potentially dangerous to self or others or is disruptive should contact the person who seems the most appropriate for the situation. Confidentiality laws don’t prevent you from reporting a concern. Initially, the team member will consult with at least one other team member to determine an initial course of action or may commence an initial response with an individual consultation within the scope of their unit. The team member will then provide follow-up and will report to the team during the next regular meeting. A team member may request a special meeting to discuss the concern.

Reporting a concern during business hours:

Student concern:

Counseling Center, 273-2676

Dean of Students, 273-2332

Director of Residence Life, 273-2333

Faculty concern:

Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost, 273-2519

Dean of the college or department head

Staff concern:

Interim Director, Human Resource Services, 273-6432


UNI Police, 273-2712

Reporting a concern after business hours:

Call UNI Police 273-2712 or 9-1-1 in an emergency

Recognizing People in Distress

Some common indicators that students (or others) are experiencing distress include:


Symptoms include sleep disturbances, poor concentration, change in appetite, loss of interest in pleasurable activities, withdrawal, poor hygiene, loss of self-esteem, suicidal thoughts and preoccupation with death.


Symptoms include being disruptive, restless or hyperactive, being antagonistic, and may include an increase in alcohol and/or drug abuse.


Symptoms include odd or unusual thinking and behavior, lack of awareness of what is going on around them, misperception of facts or reality, rambling or disconnected speech, and behavior that seems out of context or bizarre.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Signs include intoxication during class, at work or other inappropriate times.

Suicidal Thoughts

Most people who attempt suicide communicate their distress through statements like “I don’t want to be here,” “No one would miss me if I were gone,” or “I’m going to kill myself.” Non-verbal messages could include giving away valued items, and putting legal, financial, and other affairs in order. Indications of suicide should be taken seriously.

Violence and Aggression

This includes physically violent behavior, verbal threats, threatening e-mail or letters, harassing or stalking behavior, and papers or exams that contain violent or threatening material.

Violent and aggressive behavior may escalate and become more serious over time. Attention to the warning signs of violent and aggressive behavior in mildly or moderately troubled students may help avoid progression to the crisis behavior of severely troubled students and could help avoid the need for emergency actions. The following paragraphs describe the typical behaviors that may indicate mild, moderate or severe trouble.

Mildly troubled students• may exhibit behaviors which do not disrupt others but may indicate something is wrong and that assistance is needed. Signs include:

• Significant worsening of academic performance;

• Excessive absences, especially if the student has previously demonstrated consistent attendance;

• Unusual changes in patterns of interaction such as becoming withdrawn, avoidant, or anxious.

Moderately troubled students• may exhibit behaviors that indicate significant emotional distress. They may also be reluctant or unable to acknowledge a need for personal help. Signs include:

• Exaggerated or unusual emotional responses which are obviously inappropriate to the situation;

• Repeated requests for special consideration, such as deadline extensions, especially if the student appears uncomfortable or highly emotional while disclosing the circumstances prompting the request;

• New or repeated behavior which pushes the limits of decorum and which interferes with effective management of the immediate environment.

Severely troubled students• exhibit behaviors that signify an obvious crisis and that necessitate emergency action. Signs include:

• Extremely disruptive behavior, such as hostility, aggression or violence;

• Overtly talking or hinting at suicidal thoughts or intentions (referring to suicide as a current and viable option);

• Threatening to harm others;

• Stalking or harassing behaviors;

• Inability to communicate clearly (garbled, slurred speech; unconnected, disjointed or rambling thoughts);

• Loss of contact with reality (hallucinations or delusions);

• Inappropriate communications, such as threatening letters, e-mail messages or voicemail.

Seek assistance with severely troubled students immediately.

When to Refer a Student for Counseling

As with many of life’s problems, early intervention is more likely to be effective in dealing with issues that may lead to problem behavior. A person who receives appropriate help sooner, rather than later, may be less likely to experience more severe symptoms or problems.

The following signs may indicate a need to refer a student to the Counseling Center:

• Depression

• Suicidal thoughts or feelings

• Substance abuse

• Abrupt changes in behavior

• Inappropriate crying

• Outbursts of anger

• Low self-esteem

• Debilitating anxiety

Students also could benefit from counseling if they are having difficulty coping with a loss (e.g., death or relationship breakup), if they have experienced a traumatic incident (e.g., assault or accident), if they have experienced a significant stressor or whenever emotional difficulties interfere with daily functioning.

How to Refer a Student to Counseling

Consider the following guidelines when talking with a student:

• Talk to the student in a private setting.

• Listen carefully and express your concern.

• Use active listening and repeat back the essence of what the student tells you.

• Avoid criticizing or sounding judgmental.

• Suggest the Counseling Center as a resource to help the student.

• Inform the student that counseling is confidential and free of charge.

• Suggest that the student call or visit the Counseling Center to arrange an initial appointment.

• Offer to initiate contact with the Counseling Center.

Violent or Criminal Behavior

Call University Police at 273-2712 or 273-4000; or call 9-1-1 in an emergency.

Everyone on campus is asked to assist in providing a safe environment by being alert to suspicious behavior and promptly reporting suspicious situations to University Police at 273-4000.

1. Violent occurrences (emergencies).

a. Emergency situations should be reported immediately to University Police. If the emergency requires emergency medical service response, University Police staff will initiate the notification.

b. When calling the police be prepared to provide the following information:

>What is happening?

>Location of the emergency.

>Who is involved, if known?

>Type of weapon(s) involved, if any.

>Your name and phone number.

c. Taking the time to provide such information will not delay the response from University Police or other emergency response units. Complete information will allow University Police officers to handle the the situation more effectively.

2. Harassment, Threats, and Other Potentially Criminal Behavior.

a. Other situations involving harassing or obscene phone calls, mail threats, confrontations, etc., should be handled by contacting the department head or other designated person in your department or area. Please review pertinent university or departmental policies that may be available to you.

b. Any behavior that may violate the law should be reported to University Police at 273-2712.

3. Other security situations.

a. University property:

>Property is to remain on campus in its proper location unless the department head has authorized moving the property.

>University employees and students have a responsibility to report to the department head and Public Safety the disappearance of University property.

>Areas containing valuable or confidential items should be appropriately secured.

>Report unusual or suspicious behavior or incident to University Police at 273-4000.

b. Personal property:

>It is best to avoid bringing valuable items on campus.

>If you must bring expensive items on campus, secure them when unattended. This also applies to purses, briefcases, book bags, etc.

>Unsecured items invite theft.

>Report unusual or suspicious behavior or incidents to University Police at 273-4000.

Line of Authority

UNI Policies and Procedures – 1.08 Emergencies establishes the line of administrative authority and assigns necessary functions in order to administer university operations in the event of an emergency.

Reporting Sexual Abuse… Provides Sexual Assault Area Resources: Legal/Judicial Services; Counseling Services; Medical Services; Religious/Spiritual Services; Financial Services; Education/Advocacy Services; Additional Resources.

Weather Related Emergencies


Available online at:

Tornado Safety

  Emergency Action: Seek an area of safety on lowest floors or basement away from windows.

1. Tornado or Severe Weather Watch:

a. Conditions are right for a tornado or severe weather.

b. Staff should be alert to weather conditions.

c. Alert siren is not sounded.

2. Tornado or Severe Weather Warning:

Emergency shelters for each campus building are listed at:

Consult the website and locate the emergency shelter locations for buildings you frequent BEFORE the threat of severe weather.

a .A tornado or severe weather is sighted or indicated on the weather radar.

b. Alert siren located on Baker Hall will sound a steady tone, three-minute blast for severe weather warnings.

c. When the siren sounds, remain calm.

d. Proceed quickly and safely to an area of safety. No one should leave the building:

>Areas of safety – rooms and corridors on the lowest floor or basement in the innermost part of the building.

>Areas to avoid – stay clear of windows, corridors with windows or large freestanding expanses.

e. Assist physically challenged and disabled persons during weather related emergencies.

f. Stay in the safe area until the severe conditions pass or an “all clear” message has been transmitted over the emergency broadcast system or local radio/television stations.

g. After the tornado/severe weather has passed, evaluate the situation and if emergency help is needed, call Public Safety at 273-4000.

h. Be aware of dangerous structural conditions and down power lines. Report damaged facilities to the Physical Plant at 273-4400.

i. Be alert for fires, gas leaks and/or power failures.

There is no guaranteed safe area during tornado/severe weather. However, it is important to seek immediate shelter in the best location possible to minimize your exposure to injury.

Fire Safety

Call Public Safety at 273-4000 or Cedar Falls Fire Rescue at 9-1-1

Emergency Action: Evacuate the building quickly and safely. If possible activate the nearest fire alarm as you are leaving the building.

1. If you discover a fire:

a. Extinguish only if you have been trained and can do so safely and quickly.

After extinguishing, call UNI Police at 273-4000

b. Fire cannot be extinguished:

>Confine fire by closing the doors.

>Activate the nearest fire alarm.

>Follow general evacuation procedures.

2. General evacuation procedures:

a. Close doors to your immediate area after emptied.

b. Evacuate the building using the most direct route and nearest exit.

c. Do not use the elevators.

d. Once outside, move to a clear area at least 500 feet away from the building.

e. If you have critical information about the fire or persons remaining in the building, notify a Public Safety officer at the scene.

f. Keep walkways clear for emergency response vehicles and personnel.

g. Do not return to an evacuated building unless/until authorized by the University Police.

3. Evacuation from immediate fire area:

a. Feel the door from top to bottom. If it is hot, DO NOT OPEN, go back.

b. If the door is cool, crouch low and slowly open the door. Close door quickly if smoke is present.

c. If no smoke is present, exit the building by the nearest exit.

d. If you encounter heavy smoke while en route to exit, go back and try an alternative exit.

4. Trapped in the building:

a. Close the door and seal around the door opening to prevent smoke from entering the room.

b. Dial 273-4000 or 9-911, if possible, to inform Public Safety Dispatch of your location.

c. If there is a window in your room, attempt to attract the attention of emergency response personnel.

d. Do not open the window unless directed by rescue personnel

Sick Leave (Emergency, Funeral, Pallbearer, etc.)

UNI Policies and Procedures – 4.57 Sick Leave (Emergency, Funeral, Pallbearer, etc.) defines the use of Sick Leave during emergencies, funerals, etc.

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Executive Vice President and Provost, OFFICE OF THE

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Governmental Relations

UNI Calendar of Events

University Marketing and Public Relations

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Cancellation of Classes

The Executive Vice President and Provost may declare delayed start or cancellation of University classes due to severe weather. Such declarations apply to students and faculty members, but do not apply to other support staff.

Classroom and Building Maintenance

UNI Facilities Management (formerly Facilities Services) provides basic cleaning and minor maintenance services to classrooms and administrative buildings.

Facilities Planning Advisory Committee

The Facilities Planning Advisory Committee is advisory to the Cabinet, and all members have voting rights. Committee members are expected to act to benefit the university as a whole and make recommendations consistent with the University's Strategic Plan. A list of Committee members can be found online.

Facilities Planning Procedures

Facilities Services is responsible for the development and operation of campus buildings and grounds as well as keeping the university environment safe. Information regarding Facilities Planning Procedures can be found online.

Facilities Services

Facilities Management is responsible for the development and operation of campus buildings and grounds as well as keeping the university environment safe. Service Units are responsible for the operation and maintenance of buildings and grounds. They keep the buildings, classrooms and grounds clean and comfortable. Planning, Design and Construction manage the physical development of campus and build the university's future by planning for optimum use of university resources. Environmental Health and Safety works to keep the university environment safe.

Facilities Management

Services provided include: the Motor Pool; Moving Services; Campus Supply; Keys and Locks; Requests for Projects/Furniture/Maintenance; Recycling and Refuse; Main Services; Space Management, etc. Detailed information can be found on the Facilities Management web site.

Reduced Operations

The university experiences reduced operations during the holidays. Official dates are announced on UNIOnline.

University Shutdown Policies - Weather and Working Conditions

It is the policy of the University to continue normal hours of operation and maintain a regular work schedule for staff members during periods of severe weather and/or adverse working conditions. It is a basic premise of this policy that University faculty, staff and students shall have the opportunity to make their own decision about reporting to work or class with due consideration for travel safety conditions. There are three types of weather emergencies: cancellation of class, weather-related reduced operations, and working condition emergencies.

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Faculty Review Process

An evaluation file shall be maintained for each tenured, probationary, term and full-time temporary Faculty Member. The file shall be located in the departmental office. More information can be found in the Faculty Handbook, Chapter 3, Evaluation Procedures, in the "Resources" section of the Executive Vice President and Provost's web site.

This link will make reference to all of the following statements:…

• Classroom Visits

• Evaluation – Letter from Head, examples (text)

• EAP – Referrals

• Faculty Files – Insertion of Materials

• Faculty Files – Managing Files 21

• Mentoring Text

• Oral Competency

• Professional Assessment Committee (PAC)

• Department PAC Procedures/Process for Approval

Faculty Roster

Rod Library maintains a database of all faculty and administrators who have served at UNI since its beginning as the Iowa State Normal School in 1876. The roster shows full names, department affiliation, academic rank, years of service, and teaching or administrative assignment. The database is searchable by any of these elements, either singly or in combination. The Faculty Roster can be found online.

The Roster of current Graduate Faculty can be found online.

Name, campus address, phone number, etc., of current Faculty can be found by searching the UNI Directory online.

Faculty Senate

The Faculty Senate is the principal representative agency of the university faculty and it functions within the broad grant of authority delegated to it by the Faculty Constitution. Additional information can be found online.

United Faculty (UF)

The United Faculty is recognized by the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, as the certified, exclusive and sole bargaining representative for UNI Faculty members. Its web page includes list of officers, committees, events, constitution, collective bargaining notes, etc.

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Forms Repository

The Forms Repository provides a site for most UNI forms online. The Forms Repository can be found at MyUNIverse, Click on the Work@UNI tab, then click on Forms Repository.

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Academic Affairs - Organizational Chart…

Academic Affairs Council (AAC)

AAC advises the Executive Vice President and Provost on academic matters, including policy, programs, budget and personnel. Current membership can be found online.

Annual Report to the Dean

Prepared by each department at the end of each academic year.

Board of Regents, State of Iowa

The Board of Regents consists of a group of nine citizen volunteers appointed by Iowa's Governor to provide policymaking, coordination, and oversight of the state's educational institutions and affiliated centers.

Chairperson of the Faculty

The Chairperson of the Faculty is elected by a majority of voting faculty who cast a ballot. The duties of the Chairperson include: acting as spokesperson for the established policies and positions of the faculty to officers of administration, to the press, to student leadership representatives, and consistent with Board policies and regulations, to the Board of Regents; and communicating in writing with the faculty, or with its delegate, the University Faculty Senate, or with officers of administration on matters of faculty welfare, educational policy, or general institutional concern.

Council of Academic Department Heads (CADH)

CADH is made up of all the academic department heads in the University, including Rod Library. The Council meets three to four times per semester for the purposes of hearing from the Executive Vice President and Provost, receiving information from various units on campus, and discussing current issues of interest to Heads.

Faculty Senate

The UNI Faculty Senate was established in 1977. It is the principal representative agency of the university faculty and it functions within the broad grant of authority delegated to it by the Faculty Constitution. Within that grant of authority, Senate functions may take the following forms: policy formation, integration and coordination, consultation, and adjudication. During the Academic year, the Senate meets bi-weekly. Meetings are open to the public unless voted into executive session.

Graduate Council

The Graduate Council is the governing body for graduate education on campus. Its membership consists of elected representatives from the various graduate programs at UNI. Graduate Council members work collaboratively with the Dean of the Graduate College to determine curriculum and policy that will enhance the quality of graduate education. It serves to facilitate ideas from the graduate faculty on how best to determine standards, faculty and student development in the areas of research, teaching and service, as well as, curriculum. Information on the Graduate Council can be found under the Faculty and Staff tab at

Master Agreement

The Master Agreement between the Board of Regents, State of Iowa and the UNI-United Faculty can be found in the "Resources and Helpful Links" section of the Executive Vice President and Provost's web site.

Policies and Procedures Manual

• Chapter 1: Administrative Organization

• Chapter 2: Academic Policies

• Chapter 3: Student Policies

• Chapter 4: Employment Policies

• Chapter 5: Staff Employment Policies

• Chapter 6: Faculty Employment Policies

• Chapter 7: Public Safety

• Chapter 8: Facilities/Grounds

• Chapter 9: University Services

• Chapter 10: Legal Affairs

• Chapter 11: Environmental Health and Safety

• Chapter 12: Grievance Procedures

• Chapter 13: General Policies

Strategic Plan

UNI's Strategic Plan is the result of a collaborative effort that involved representatives from across campus as well as the University's external constituencies. The plan is based on the presumption that UNI does, and will continue to do, many things well. Therefore the plan focuses on the handful of initiatives that can have an impact over the next five years, maintaining the core of an already fine institution while moving us forward at the margins.

AFSCME - America Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees

AFSCME Local 2659 represents most Merit employees at UNI.

University Council

The University Council is a one-hour meeting, four times a year, of key university administrative officers. The President will discuss issues of importance to the university community, often with the assistance of other university administrators. The University Council includes the President, Provost, Vice Presidents, Vice Provosts, Associate/Assistant Provosts, Associate/Assistant Vice Presidents, Deans, Associate/Assistant Deans, Directors, Department Chairs and other key personnel.

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Graduate College

The Graduate College Web site provides information on grants, awards, and research:

Grants & Awards -

Office of Sponsored Programs

The Office of Sponsored Programs is the central unit on campus responsible for overseeing most public and private grants and contracts funding to the University. OSP has two primary functions related to grants and contracts: seeking sponsored funding and implementing sponsored funding. Please encourage faculty and staff to visit our website at

Seeking Sponsored Funding

OSP Grant Specialists provide information and assistance to faculty and staff seeking external funding to support their research and creative projects and programs. Such assistance includes finding funding opportunities, budgeting, training, editing, peer review, and submission assistance. Grant Specialists also conduct the required budget review and electronic file review required prior to every submission.

Implementing Sponsored Funding

OSP staff support and monitor the implementation of sponsored funding by:

- Authorizing all sponsored funding submissions and awards

- Serving as the primary contact for business and financial issues pertaining to sponsored funding

- Setting up and monitoring spending accounts and expenditures

- Processing Personnel Action Forms for personnel being paid from sponsored funding

- Providing training for the implementation of sponsored funding

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Academic Administrators

Academic Administrators include the academic department heads, plus selected directors of academic programs. Information regarding the employment of Academic Administrators can be found online.

Adjunct Faculty

Courses at UNI are taught by part-time temporary faculty members called adjuncts. Academic deans normally ask department heads to submit requests for adjunct support to teach department courses and/or Liberal Arts Core courses in January of each year for the following academic year. Funds for adjuncts normally are drawn from open salary lines and/or salary savings. Sometimes the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost provides money for adjuncts to colleges with faculty on Professional Development Assignments. Additional information regarding policies and employment of adjunct faculty can be obtained from the college/department.

Hiring Toolkit

Provided by Human Resources Services.

• Faculty Searches

• Advertising

• Screening Applications

• Interviewing

• References

Preparing for a New Faculty Member Checklist

Office of Compliance and Equity Management

The Office of Compliance and Equity Management has oversight for all equity and affirmative action issues involving compliance with federal and state laws, as well as Board of Regents and University policies dealing with civil rights issues. It works closely with all departments to ensure the University implements a dynamic recruitment strategy for those affected classes under represented in the current workforce.

Staff, Merit

Merit System contract personnel consist of Blue Collar, Clerical, Security, and Technical employees. Merit contract employees are represented by the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) and function under provisions of Chapter 20 of the code of Iowa. Information regarding the employment of Merit staff can be found online.

Staff, Merit Supervisory and Confidential (SCMP)

Supervisory (clerical and non-clerical), and Confidential (clerical) personnel consist of Merit System non-contract employees. Merit System non-contract employees are represented by the Supervisory and Confidential Merit Personnel (UNI-SCMP) at the University level and by the Regents Inter-institutional Supervisory and Confidential Advisory Council (RISCAC) at the Board of Regents level. Information regarding the employment of SCMP employees can be found online.

Staff, Professional & Scientific (P&S)

Professional & Scientific (P&S) staff assist in the formation and administration of policy and aid in the execution of academic, student and administrative services as required for University operation. Professional and Scientific employees are represented by P&S Council. Information regarding the employment of P&S staff can be found online.

Temporary Staff, Merit

Temporary Merit Staff are non-budgeted appointments and provide for services needed on a periodic basis. Applicants must be certified by Human Resources prior to their start date. Temporary employees may not work more than 780 hours in a fiscal year. The employee may return to the same temporary position in successive fiscal years. However, a new memo should be sent to HR if the temporary employee is to be re-appointed. Employees on the recall list have first rights to temporary vacancies.

Temporary Staff, P&S

Temporary P&S employees are designated when the services of a P&S staff member are temporarily required for an uncertain period of time to complete a particular project or to carry out certain duties and responsibilities. Such service may be rendered with a full or part-time schedule for an appointment period of time which shall not extend beyond two consecutive fiscal years. P&S temporary employees generally have obtained the minimum of a bachelor's degree and should not be an undergraduate student.

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Data Access and Repository Services

Can be found on the Institutional Research and Effectiveness web site. Helps manage data generated or utilized by UNI's information systems as a collective resource.

Data Definitions

An A-Z Index of Data Definitions can be found on the Institutional Research and Effectiveness Research web site.

Enrollment Data

Enrollment statistics and patterns for each academic year can be found online in the Institutional Research "Fact Books".

Grade Distribution Report

A Grade Distribution report can be requested online from Institutional Research and Effectiveness.

Institutional Data Requests

UNI Faculty and Staff may obtain data by completing emailing their request to the Office of Institutional Research & Effectiveness at


Institutional Research and Effectiveness provides UNI reports online.

Research - Faculty Research and Creative Interests

The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs has announced a new Professional Interest (UNI/PI) searchable database of faculty and staff interests and expertise. The goal of this service is to foster awareness and communication among faculty and staff with similar or compatible interests and to encourage collaboration within the UNI community and beyond. The PI Database is accessible online to both the UNI and off-campus communities. Faculty and staff can create and update their own profile online.

Research Protocol

The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs web site provides information on research support and compliance, including protection of Human Subjects Research Participants (IRB).


The Registrar's web site provides links to statistics in several areas:

• UNI Student Profile Summary

• Age Data

• Enrollment Data: All Students

• Enrollment Data: Graduate Students

• Enrollment Data: International Students

• Enrollment Data: Minority Students

• Grade Index Data

• Grade Distribution Data

• Persistence & Graduation Rate Data


Institutional Research and Effectiveness provides results of UNI surveys online.

UNI Student Profile Summary

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Intellectual Properties - UNI Policies and Procedures

UNI Policies and Procedures, 10.03 Inventions, Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks and Other Intellectual Properties, provides UNI's Purpose Statement and a statement of Policies and Policy Administration.

Intellectual Property

Information regarding protecting intellectual property through patents, trade secrets, and copyrights and trademarks can be found on the Office of Sponsored Programs web site.

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Absence Reports - Faculty

UNI Policies and Procedures, 6.09 Faculty Absences, requires Faculty members to request permission to be absent from regular duties by means of an absence request form in order to protect their rights under the workers' compensation system. Compensation for travel expenses is contingent upon having an absence request approved. Absence forms can be obtained form the office of the academic department heads, or online in the Forms Repository,

Faculty absences are also covered under Chapter Eight of the Faculty Handbook: "A Faculty Member who proposes to take or takes sick leave must file an official Faculty Absence Request form in sufficient to permit accommodation to her/his responsibilities whenever possible." The Faculty Handbook can be found in the "Academic Affairs Resources” section of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs web site.

Absence Reports - P&S and Merit Staff

Many divisions and departments have developed an internal vacation/sick leave request form for P&S and Merit staff. These forms are used internally and remain with the department.

Absence Reports, Extended Leave - Faculty

For extended leaves of one semester or more, Faculty use the Extended Leave Absence report. It can be found online in the Forms Repository.

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

The FMLA provides up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year to eligible employees for certain family and medical reasons. During 12 weeks of leave, UNI is required to continue to pay the University share of the health and dental insurance premiums. Upon conclusion of the leave, the University is required to restore the employee to the same or equivalent position and to all benefits which he/she was eligible to receive before the leave. Human Resource Services provides information on FMLA online.

Jury Duty - Faculty

Faculty are permitted to be absent from duties if called to jury duty (see Faculty Handbook, Chapter 8). An Absence Request Form must be filled out prior to serving jury duty. Payment for service is to be returned to the University. The Faculty Handbook can be found in the "Academic Affairs Resources” section of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs web site.

Jury Duty - Merit Staff

While on Jury Duty, Merit Staff are entitled to their regular compensation provided they surrender to their employing institution any pay they receive, other than reimbursement for travel or personal expenses, for such service.

Jury Duty - P&S Staff

While on Jury Duty, P&S Staff are entitled to regular compensation provided pay received for such service (other than travel or personal expense reimbursement) is surrendered to the University cashier. Such leave is to be noted with an Administrative Staff Absence Request Form.

Leaves and Absences - Faculty

Leaves and absences for Faculty are discussed in Chapter 8 of the Faculty Handbook, the most important reference for questions concerning leaves and absences. The Faculty Handbook can be found in the "Academic Affairs Resources” section of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs web site.

Leaves/Absences - Policies and Procedures

Information regarding Leaves and Absences can be found online in the UNI Policies and Procedure, 6.09 Faculty Absences.

Professional Development Assignment (PDA) - Application Form and Guidelines

Professional Development Assignment (PDA) – Faculty Handbook

PDAs are similar to sabbaticals at some universities. PDA information can be found online in the Faculty Handbook, in the "Academic Affairs Resources” section of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs web site.

Sick Leave, Faculty

Sick leave is accumulated at a rate of nine days per semester. Detailed information can be found in Chapter 8 of the Faculty Handbook, in the “Academic Affairs Resources” section of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs web site.

Sick Leave, Merit Staff

Full time employees accrue sick leave at 12 hours (1 1/2 days) per month. Employees who are employed for 20 or more hours but less than 40 hours per week for at least an academic year accrue sick leave on a pro-rata basis. Employees hired on a temporary appointment do not accrue sick leave. Additional information can be found on the HR web site.

Sick Leave, P&S Staff

Full time employees accrue sick leave at 12 hours (1 1/2 days) per month. Employees who are employed for 20 or more hours but less than 40 hours per week for at least an academic year accrue sick leave on a pro rata basis. Employees hired on a temporary appointment do not accrue sick leave. Additional information can be found on the HR web site.

Time Cards - How to Create, Review, Edit

UNI e-Business Suite provides the University with electronic time entry for faculty, P&S, Merit, student employees. Once a timecard is completed and submitted, the workflow process electronically routes the timecard for approval and when 27 approved routes to Payroll for processing. Information on how to create, submit for approval, review, and edit time cards is available online by logging on to the e-Business Suite via MyUNIverse.


The University observes 7 traditional holidays: New Year's Day; Memorial Day; Independence Day; Labor Day; Thanksgiving Day; Friday after Thanksgiving Day; Christmas Day. In addition, there are 2 University holidays that are observed as scheduled by the University each year.


Eligible staff members earn vacation accruals at rates specified in appropriate employee group policies or contracts. Eligible part-time staff earn accruals at the pro-rata equivalent. Personal day earnings of 2 days per year are accrued and included in vacation balances. Vacation earning, including personal days and converted sick leave days, are capped at the level of twice the annual accrual rate. Staff members begin earning vacation accruals on their first day in pay status, and accruals continue during any period of service in a pay status. Vacation usage is limited to the currently accumulated total vacation earnings. Holidays falling within the period of a paid vacation are paid as holidays and are not charged to the staff member's vacation earning. Holidays are not excluded in calculating payment of vacation balances at termination, however.

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Library Reserve Request

Professors who would like to place items on reserve in Rod Library can find the request form online.

Rod Library - Faculty and Emeritus Study Rooms

Faculty study rooms are available on the third and fourth floors. Full time tenured or tenure-track instructional faculty members should contact the Dean's Office on the second floor to apply for a faculty study room. Applications for Emeritus study rooms may also be made in the Dean's Office.

Rod Library - List of Services

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UNI Museums are free and open to the public.

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Catering - Take Out and Delivery (Online Service)

For meetings and events, menu items can be picked up or delivered on campus. Food and drink items can be ordered online. To ensure the best quality of food and service possible, arrangements should be made a week or more in advance. If you find you have less time than that, call 273-2333.

Catering, Department of Residence

For event planning and catering of events, contact Department of Residence staff at 273-2333.

Forms Repository

A listing of most UNI forms available to faculty and staff can be found online.

Hours of Operation, University-wide

All university offices are to be open for business from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except during a period of summer when they are to be open from 7:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Summer office hours will be observed commencing with the first office day following spring commencement exercise and continuing until the Monday preceding fall semester orientation and registration.

Inside UNI

UNI news items may be submitted online. Items may only run three times in any three-week period. Submissions will be rejected if sponsorship by a university department, program or organization is not explicitly stated.


Key requests for individual faculty, staff, and students must be on a Key Request Form, which is forwarded to mail code 0189. Requests must be signed by the Building Coordinator and department head or director. Information regarding the distribution of keys and the Key Request Form can be found on the Physical Plant web site.


U.S. stamped and intra-campus mail deliveries are provided once daily at all approved university offices located on or contiguous to the mail campus. Information regarding postage rates, procedures, and regulations can be found on the Mail Center home page.


The Office of Business Operations provides Guidelines and Procedures regarding purchase of supplies and services from all University accounts including research, grant, gift, activity and state appropriated fund sources.

∙ Purchasing Guidelines & Procedures

∙ Procurement Care

∙ Sales Tax Exemption

∙ Staff

∙ Training

∙ Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Plan

∙ Information for Vendors

∙ Fiscal Year Closing Schedule and Year-end Requisition Clean Up

Voice Services - Telephone Services

Provides basic information regarding UNI Voice Telecommunications Services applicable to the entire University. This information will provide users the basic tools to place a request with UNI Voice Services, or to contact appropriate parties or access appropriate information for further assistance if necessary. For additional information go to the Voice Services home page.

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Administrative Organizational Charts

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Peer Institutions…

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Confidential Employees (Non-contract)

Confidential Employees are defined as those in classifications contained in the bargaining unit who work in a human resources office or who have access to confidential information that may be used in collective bargaining negotiations. Confidential employees have transfer rights that allow them to exercise seniority to other contract-covered positions within their classification but not to other confidential positions.

Merit Supervisory and Confidential Employees, Non-contract

Supervisory and Confidential (non-contract) employees are represented by the Supervisory and Confidential Merit Personnel (UNI-SCMP) at the University level and by the Regents Inter-institutional Supervisory and Confidential Advisory Council (RISCAC) at the Board of Regents level. Additional information can be found online.

Position Evaluation, Professional & Scientific Staff

Information regarding P&S position evaluation, classification, and reclassification can be found online in the P&S Handbook, Personnel Policies and Procedures.

RISCAC - Regents Inter-institutional Supervisory and Confidential Advisory Council

RISCAC represents non-bargaining Merit staff at the five Regents institutions. The organization is a communications link for supervisory and confidential Merit personnel on issues of mutual concern and is a direct link to the Board of Regents office staff.

Supervisory Employees (Non-contract)

Supervisory Employees are exempt from collective bargaining because their responsibilities typically include supervisory responsibilities over other Merit staff.

Training, Merit Staff

Information can be found in the Merit System Staff Handbook, Training and Development.

Training, P&S Staff

Information can be found in the P&S Handbook, Training and Development.

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Policies and Procedures

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Office of the President

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Professional Assessment Committee (PAC)

Each department has its own Professional Assessment Committee consisting of the tenured members of the departmental faculty. Departmental PACs make recommendations to the department head on cases of continued probation, tenure, and promotion. Each department's PAC has its own PAC procedures and guidelines, which should be available within your own department.


Promotion and tenure decisions are governed by the Faculty Handbook, Chapter 3, contains the most relevant information about evaluation, promotion and tenure. The Faculty Handbook can be found in the "Academic Affairs Resources” section of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs web site.

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Calendar of Events

The University Calendar of Events web page contains a variety of calendars for the university. Important calendars to consider when planning an event are the outreach, the special events, the music and theater, and the arts, exhibits, films, and lectures calendar. Also, the events calendar page has an email link to request permission to post to the calendars.

Conference Planning Guide, Department of Residence

Event and Conference Services assists with various aspects of event preparation including housing and food. Contact University Events Coordinator or Conference Services for the Department of Residence, (319) 73-2333, toll free 866-207- 9411.

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Campus Police

The Police Division is the official law enforcement authority for the university. More than 25 fully certified, sworn police officers and dispatchers provide a variety of services to the community on a 24-hour basis. Trained full and part-time employees supplement agency operations.

Parking Regulations

Parking arrangements for events on campus must be made with Parking Services. See Parking rules and regulations are published in the Parking Manual online.

Public Safety

The Department of Public Safety has two divisions, Police and Parking Services. Public Safety can be reached at 3-2712.

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Office of Sponsored Programs

The mission of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs is to advance and support creative activity and scholarly research. Access the website at

Accessing UNI Faculty Research, Creative Activity, and Expertise

The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs has announced a new Professional Interest (UNI PI) searchable database of faculty and staff interests and expertise. The goal of this service is to foster awareness and communication among faculty and staff with similar or compatible interests and to encourage collaboration within the UNI community and beyond. The PI Database is accessible online to both the UNI and off-campus communities. Faculty and staff can create and update their own profile by visiting

Research Policies

For information regarding the protection of human research participants, animal subjects protection, UNI Policies on scholarly responsibilities, and conflict of interest.

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Emeritus Association (UNIEA)

Emeritus Faculty - Policies and Procedures

Emeritus Faculty Roster

Emeritus Status, Definition of

UNI Policies and Procedures, 4.21 Emeritus Status, defines Emeritus(a) and discusses the application process. Emeritus(a) is an honorary status, conferred upon full-time or part-time members of the faculty, institutional officials, and professional-scientific staff at retirement or resignation who would qualify for and are awarded the title. Eligibility requirements include a minimum of 20 years of creditable full-time or part-time service with a minimum accumulation of 10 years of meritorious service at UNI. Privileges of those holding Emeritus(a) status are established by UNI in consultation with the Emeritus Association.

Emeritus Status, Request for

The form to request Emeritus Status can be found online at the Forms Repository.


Information regarding retirement eligibility, compensation, benefits, etc., can be found online.

Retirement - Phased Retirement

The eligibility requirements for the Phased Retirement Program are 57 years of age or older and 15 or more years of service. Participation requires approval of department. For additional information, call 273-2521 or refer to HRS

Retirement Benefits Checklist

Retirement Programs - IPERS

Compulsory except for those enrolled in TIAA/CREF, student employees and foreign nationals in this country as exchange scholars, trainees, professors, teachers, research assistants or specialists. IPERS is a Defined Benefit plan. UNI pays 5.75 percent of salary. Employee pays 3.7 percent of salary. For additional information, call 273-2521 or refer to HRS

Retirement Programs - Supplement Tax Sheltered Annuities (TSA)

Available to all Faculty. Tax deferred contributions only from employee's salary. UNI does not contribute toward this program. Maximum contribution is defined by IRS Regulations. For additional information, call 273-2521 or refer to HRS

Retirement Programs - TIAA

Available to Term, Probationary and Tenure Faculty with budgeted salary of $7,800 or more. TIAA is a Defined Contribution plan. UNI pays 6 2/3% of first $4,800; 10% of all over $4,800. Employee pays 3 1/3% of first $4,800; 5% of all over $4,800. After 5 years of service, UNI pays 10% and employee pays 5%. For additional information, call 273-2521 or refer to HRS

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Pay Matrix, Merit

Pay Matrix, P&S

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Scheduling, Campus Events

For groups requesting space in GBPAC, UNI-Dome, McLeod Center or Commons Ballroom, contact those facilities directly.

Scheduling, Center for Multicultural Education (CME)

Reserve the CME Facility online.

Scheduling, Classrooms

Department or Student Organizations requesting space in academic buildings, contact the Registrar's/Scheduling Office directly (273-2110). Non-University Groups requesting space in academic buildings, contact the Maucker Union Administrative Office.

Scheduling, Maucker Union

Maucker Union provides the following meeting rooms:

• SIAC Conference Room: Seats approximately 18 at a circle conference table.

• Old Central Ballroom A, B, C: Seats approximately 650 lecture style or a maximum 450 banquet style.

• Meditation Room: Seats 10-12 at a conference table.

• College Eye Room: Seats approximately 30.

• Old Gold Room: Seats 22.

• Purple Pen Room: Seats 24.

• Presidential Room: Seats 30.

• State College Room: Flexible Seating. Maximum 60, lecture style.

• Elm Room: Seats 50, Lecture style. 32

• Keyhole Room: Seats 26.

• University Room South: Seats 24.

• University Room North: Seats 24.

• Club '91: Seats approximately 180.

Scheduling, Non-university Events

There are numerous locations on campus appropriate for events such as meetings, dinners, wedding receptions, etc. Maucker Union staff work with individuals to determine which space is the most appropriate. Contact Maucker Union facility coordinators at (319) 273-2256.

Scheduling, Outdoor Events

Outdoor Event reservations are reserved through Maucker Union Administrative Office. The form to request scheduling of outdoor events can be found online.

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UNI Strategic Plan – 2017-2022

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Academic Ethics/Discipline

UNI Policies and Procedures, 3.01 Academic Ethics/Discipline, discusses plagiarism and cheating and disciplinary actions taken in such cases.

Academic Learning Center

The mission of the Academic Learning Center (ALC) is to inspire, challenge, and empower UNI students to achieve academic success. Professional educators, advisors, and trained, certified peers serve all UNI students with a variety of free academic services in an accessible, supportive environment. Additionally, professional staff serve as a resource for faculty. On the main floor of the Innovative Teaching and Technology Center, UNI students can access the ALC's Math Center, Academic Achievement and Retention Services, Reading and Learning Center, Athletics Academic Services, Writing Center, Examination Services, and the TRIO Student Support Services Program.

Academic Alert, Probation, and Suspension

This determination is made by the Office of the Registrar. Students can be academically suspended after their first semester enrolled. Academic Alert, Probation, or Suspension can be determined either on current semester deficiency grade points or cumulative deficiency grade points at UNI.


UNI's Academics home page provides links to Colleges and Departments.

Adding a Class

Adjustments to students' schedules should be made as early in the first week of classes as possible. Students should see their assigned academic advisor or visit Academic Advising to discuss how the change would affect their academic progress at UNI.

Capstone Courses

The Liberal Arts Core Committee (LACC) defines the Capstone course, which is part of the Liberal Arts Core, as a course intended as "an aid in preparing UNI students for the complex world of ideas that should engage them during their lives as educated citizens." Capstone courses deal with complex issues that must be addressed from multidisciplinary perspectives. New Capstone courses are listed online.

Career Cruising

Career Cruising is an interactive career resource designed to help individuals find the right career, explore different career options, or plan future education and training. The Career Cruising web site allows UNI students to log in using their Student ID to search the Career Cruising online service. 33

Career Fair

This site provides students and potential employers with information regarding dates and registration materials for the Fall Career Fair.

Career Peers

Peers are available for appointments in the Office of Career Services, 102 Gilchrist Hall and for walk-up consultation at outreach sites around campus during the fall and spring semesters. To make an appointment with a peer, call Career Services at 319-273-6857.

Career Services

Career Services professionals meet with students to discuss their interests and skills and how they relate to majors and/or careers. Students can visit the Office of Career Services and the Career Center located in 102 Gilchrist Hall.

Change of Registration Form

The Change of Registration from should be taken to the Scheduling Office for processing. A signature is NOT required from the instructor or an advisor on this form to drop a class.

College Preview Days

The Office of Admissions provides new Freshman, Transfer Students, International Students, Parents, and School Counselors opportunities to visit UNI. It provides a calendar and information about General Preview visits with various Programs.

Continuing and Distance Education

The Continuing and Distance Education Office serves between 9,000 and 10,000 enrollments annually via online and onsite classes.

Continuing Education and Special Programs

As the University pursues the multiple missions of teaching, research and public service, Continuing Education provides the leadership and support services that enable the University to fulfill its rapidly expanding service role. Information regarding Continuing and Distance Education, Individual Studies, Guided Independent Studies, Degree and Certificate Programs can be found online.

Co-op Education/Internships

Cooperative Education/Internship Program

Cooperative Education/Internships help students integrate academic study with work experience. Students may work fulltime or part-time, interning with business, industry, or governmental/non-profit organizations in locations ranging from local to international. Co-ops/Internships are optional, except for certain majors which require a co-op or internship for graduation.

Students who participate in a co-op or internship may be eligible for academic credit or a transcript notation. Academic departments establish the requirements for academic credit and Career Services sets the requirements for a transcript notation. More information can be found on the Career Services web site:

Counseling Center

The Counseling Center provides a variety of short-term counseling services free of charge to UNI students who have paid the Student Health Fee. Services include: individual counseling; group counseling; couples counseling; medication evaluation and consultation from a Health Clinic physician or psychiatrist, referrals to community agencies, and consultation with faculty, staff, friends, or family members who have concerns about a student.

Declaring/Changing a Major

Information regarding declaring or changing a major can be found online.

Degree Audits

All undergraduate students will receive a degree audit, which serves as a guide for scheduling classes. It lists degree requirements and shows how courses completed or being taken apply to the degree requirements. Degree audits are accessible via the web at the Plan of Study or through My UNIverse. 34 Information provided on the degree audit includes:

• Major(s) and status (declared or prospective)

• Minor(s) and status (declared or prospective)

• Assigned advisor(s)

• Grade Point Averages (Transfer, Cumulative, UNI, Major, Teacher Education)

• All coursework taken at UNI or transferred to UNI

• Course grades

• Semester courses taken (at UNI)

• Current courses enrolled in at UNI

• Liberal Arts Core requirements

• Major(s) and minor(s) requirements

Dropping a Class

Adjustments to students’ schedules should be made as early in the first week of classes as possible. Students should see their assigned academic advisor or visit Advising and Career Services to discuss how the drop would affect their academic progress at UNI.

Financial Aid

Enrollment Services provides Financial Aid information online.

• Application for Financial Aid - Eligibility, FAFSA, Deadlines, Application Process

• Paying for College - Scholarships, Loans, Grants, Jobs

• Managing Money - Budgeting, Credit Cards, Financial Planning

• Course Changes and Special Situations - Dropping Classes, Guided Independent Study, Study Abroad, National Student Exchange, Camp Adventure

Honors Program

The University Honors Program provides outstanding educational, social, and leadership opportunities for talented and motivated students. Honors students are eligible to take specialized sections of courses that emphasize discussion and participation. A variety of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are offered to encourage community among high ability students.

Honors Program, Presidential Scholars

Twenty Presidential Scholarships are awarded each year by the University Honors Program to high school seniors with a history of outstanding academic performance. Presidential Scholarships are worth $32,000 over four years ($8,000 per year). Top recipients will be those whose strong academic credentials are matched by personal involvement in leadership and service activities.

Intercollegiate Academics Fund (IAF)

The Intercollegiate Academics Fund (IAF) is a yearly allocation of Student Activity Fee monies that exists to promote and support intercollegiate academic experiences for University of Northern Iowa students. Specifically, the IAF supports students in two ways 1) through a travel fund for students who participate in intercollegiate academic competitions and presentations at professional conferences; and 2) through a research fund which supports student research and creative activities.

Individual Studies Major

The Individual Studies Office strives to provide programs that appeal to students interested in educational experiences that differ from the norm. An Individual Studies Major enables students to create an individualized major by selecting courses reflecting specific personal and career objectives. It provides an opportunity to explore interdisciplinary areas of study before they are officially adopted as a departmental or interdepartmental major.

Innovative Teaching and Technology Center (ITTC)

The ITTC (formerly the East Gym) provides a venue through the ITS Educational Technology department for technology workshops, one-on-one consultations, digital design and audio/video services, the Computer Consulting Center, the Geography and Computer Science Departments, as well as Sociology, Anthropology and Criminology labs, classrooms and offices.

International Students and Scholars

Provides resources for international students and scholars.

International Study Program

UNI Policy and Procedures, 3.14 International Study Programs, describes student and faculty participation in University and Regent sponsored international activities.

Jump Start

The UNI Jump Start Orientation Program is in its eleventh year of providing new students from ethnically, culturally, and socio-economically diverse backgrounds with a "jump start" on their first year at the University. Jump Start is a special orientation program that provides students with an opportunity to make a smooth transition to the University.

Liberal Arts Core (LAC)

Liberal Arts constitute a major component of a UNI education. The UNI Mission Statement states "The University of Northern Iowa is a comprehensive institution dedicated to providing a personalized learning environment, founded on a strong liberal arts curriculum. It is committed to being an intellectually and culturally diverse community." The LAC web site provides faculty and staff with information related to teaching Liberal Arts Core courses and advising students, such as category statements for use on course syllabi, LAC forms, purpose of the categories, and course descriptions by category.


This web site provides links to information on majors and minors in the various colleges.

Overseas Fair

UNI's Overseas Placement Service for Educators connects international K-12 schools with certified educators year round. Services offered include the UNI Overseas Recruiting Fair, credential and referral services, and related publications. UNI is home to the original international fair for educator.

Plan of Study

The UNI Plan of Study provides a planning and advising support system for faculty and students.

Registration Information

The Office of the Registrar's web page provides registration links:

• Web Registration

• Registration Dates and Times

• Undergraduate Degree Requirements/Degree Audit

• Available Liberal Arts Core by Semester

• New Student Registration Available Course List by Semester

• Schedule of Classes

Student Assessments

Procedures for Student Assessments can be found in Chapter 3 of the Faculty Handbook

Student Disability Services

This site explains the rights and responsibilities of students with disabilities attending post secondary schools. It also explains the obligations of a post secondary school to provide academic adjustments, including auxiliary aids and services, to ensure that the school does not discriminate on the basis of disability.

Student Grievances - Formal Academic Grievance Form for Graduate Students

Student Grievances - Formal Academic Grievance Form for Undergraduate Students…

Student Grievances, Discipline - Graduate Assistantship Grievance

Students who hold or have held a Graduate Assistant Stipend and who have a complaint or disagreement concerning their graduate assistantship may file a grievance according to the steps outlined in the Graduate Assistantship Grievance 36 Procedure. Information about the grievance and appeal process can be found in the Graduate Assistant Handbook.…

Student Grievances, Discipline - Graduate Student Academic Grievance

UNI Policies and Procedures – 12.01 Graduate Student Academic Grievance – provides for a process for the redress of academic grievances. Information regarding Informal and Formal Procedures can be found online.

Student Grievances, Discipline - Undergraduate Student Academic Grievance

UNI Policies and Procedures – 12.02 Undergraduate Student Academic Grievance – provides for a process for the redress of academic grievances. Information regarding Informal and Formal Procedures can be found online.

Student Health Clinic

Student Requests

The student request process is the official avenue students must pursue to request an exception from university policies regarding coursework. For example, if a student would like to add or drop a course after the deadline, to withdraw from the university after the deadline, to substitute for a required course, to graduate out of residence, or to receive graduate credit as an undergraduate, the student would need to submit a student request form and obtain the required signatures to process the student request. The signatures required for each specific request are listed on the back of the student request form.

There are two separate student request forms: one for undergraduates and another for graduate students. The undergraduate student request form is available from departmental offices or online at If you have any questions about the undergraduate student request process or form, please contact the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost (x32519). Graduate student requests must be processed electronically. Graduate students initiate their student requests through My UNIverse. If you have any questions about the graduate student request process, please contact the Graduate College (x32748).

Transfer Students

The Office of Admissions provides Transfer Students information about admission requirements, search for scholarships, how to find a place to live, student organizations, transfer credits, course equivalencies, requirements for majors, multicultural resources, and resources for out-of-state students.

Writing Guide, Online

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Academic Advising

Academic Advising works with individuals who are deciding, changing majors, first-year students, and experiencing academic difficulties. It can help students develop meaningful educational plans compatible with their life and career goals. Academic Advising provides information and assistance concerning: choosing/changing a major, exploring minors and certificates, academic requirements, policies and procedure, resources and experiences for success.

Faculty - Beginning Date

Department Heads notify faculty each year of the expected date of return to campus.

Faculty - Office Hours

Faculty members are required to schedule weekly office hours, typically three hours per week.

Final Exam Policy

The policy for scheduling events during final examinations can be found online.

Student Assessment, Guidelines

Administered by the Department Head or designee.


Faculty members are required to distribute syllabi to students enrolled in their classes. A required statement should be included regarding students with disabilities.

Test Scoring

Faculty who use True-False or Multiple Choice examinations for their classes will find Test Scoring Services to be a valuable time saver. A description of Test Scoring services and an outline of the procedures for having exams scored and analyzed can be found online.

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Educational Technology - Audio/Video Production Services

Audio Production Services for recording, mixing, and editing audio materials either in a studio or on-location. ET staff assist in the selection of music and sound effects as well as in the hiring of narrators. Video Production Services records and edits video materials in a studio or on-location providing graphics and special effects as needed.

Education Technology - Digital Design Services

Digital Design Services provides a diverse selection of production services ranging from digital graphics to complex design of World Wide Web pages and UNI eLearning coursework themes. Services include: Digital Design Schemas; Digital Graphics and Imaging; Website design; PowerPoint Template Design; UNI eLearning Coursework Themes; Digital Motifs, Logos, and Portfolio Designs.

Educational Technology

Educational Technology, a division of Information Technology Services, provides assistance to, and partners with, those who use technology in teaching and learning. Educational Technology provides the following services:

• Audio/Video Production - Event recordings, DVD authoring, Post-production audio and video editing

• Multimedia - Disk duplication, Label Printing, Color Photo Printing, Scanning Svcs, DVD Creation/Manipulation

• Classroom Technology - ET Managed Rooms

• Help and Training - Lists courses and calendar

• Web Authoring - UNI eLearning, Digital Design, The Production House, Training Calendar

• Media Distribution - Cable, Streaming, Disk Duplication, Video Conferencing

Internet, Phone and Video Connections

• Wireless - Setting up your wireless connection, wireless locations, and resolving connection problems.

• ResNet - The Residential Network (ResNet) provides internet access through the Department of Residence.

• Voice Services - Basic information regarding voice Telecommunication Services.

• Audio & Video Production Services - records, mixes and edits audio materials either in a studio or on location.

• Cable Television - Provides education access channels for the city of Cedar Falls, IA.

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Carpool/Motor Vehicles

Facilities Management maintains a fleet of vehicles to support departmental missions and travel needs. They are available to faculty and staff under short or long-term rental agreement with departmental approval. UNI’s Motor Vehicle Usage Policy can be found online.

Travel Authorization/Reimbursement Forms

Travel Authorization and Reimbursement is done through the ProTrav system on MyUNIverse.

Travel Guidelines

The Office of Business Operations provides information and guidelines on UNI travel:

• Authorization for Travel

• Advance Payment for Travel Expenses

• Airline Tickets

• Conference Registration

• Hotel Deposits

• American Express Corporate Card

• Travel Advances

• Clearing Cash Advances

• Reimbursement for Domestic Travel

• Transportation

• Air Travel

• Charter Air Travel

• Personal Airplane

• Automobile

• Maps, Directions

• Mileage Guides - for Iowa and Out-of-State

• Mileage Reimbursement Rates

• Rental Car

• Rental Car Insurance

• Parking, Bridge, and Road Tolls

• Taxi or Local Common Carrier

• Rail Travel

• Lodging

• Meals

• Reimbursements, International Travel

• Reimbursements, Miscellaneous

• Reimbursements, Persons other than Faculty and Staff


The Office of Business operations provides detailed instructions/policies on faculty travel.

Travel with Students

Create a list of students traveling with you and attach it to the Travel Authorization/Reimbursement form through ProTrav. For international travel, faculty need to contact International Programs/Study Abroad.

Travel Abroad

An online Travel Planning Guide provides resources for student travelers, such as Passport and Visa information and application, foreign entry requirements, insurance, etc.

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American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees - AFSCME

AFSCME Local 2659 represents most Merit employees at UNI.

United Faculty - UF

The United Faculty is recognized by the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, as the certified, exclusive and sole bargaining representative for UNI Faculty members. Its web page includes lists of officers, committees, events, constitution, collective bargaining notes, etc.

Master Agreement

The Master Agreement between the Board of Regents, State of Iowa and the UNI-United Faculty can be found in the "Resources" section of the Provost and Executive Vice President’s.

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Wellness and Recreation

Wellness and Recreation Services offers a variety of programs and services for students and staff:

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Last Modified: April 2018

Other Resources


For the Administration Organization Chart, which lists the names of the President, his Assistants, the Provost, and Vice Presidents visit ht

For an index of administrative division visit

For the Office of the President visit

For the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost visit



The CADH is made up of all the academic department heads in the University, including Rod Library. The Council meets three to four times per semester for the purposes of hearing from the Executive Vice President and Provost, receiving information from various units on campus, and discussing current issues of interest to Heads.



Administrative Departments:

Academics - Colleges, Departments, and Programs:

Fine and Performing Arts at UNI:

Athletics at UNI:

Information Technology Services at UNI:

Rod Library:

Employee Resources and Organizations:

Maps & Directions:

Human Resources Services:

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Something goes wrong with the building .................................................................................................................. Physical Plant - 3-4400

You have an emergency .............................................................................................................................................Public Safety - 3-4000

A student needs counseling .............................................................................................................................. Counseling Center - 3-2676

You need to talk about the needs of a disabled student .....................................................Disability Services: Counseling Center - 3-2676

You would like to talk about the needs of a minority student .............................................Educational Opportunities Programs - 433-1230

You have a discipline or harassment problem with a student ....................................................Educational and Student Services - 3-2332

A student has a request for exception on the Program of Study, or to withdraw from the University  .......................................................... 
..........................................................................................................................Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost - 3-2518

You have a question on scheduling a course .................................................................................................................Registrar’s - 3-2241

You want to schedule a room for an event .................................................................................................Registrar’s: Scheduling - 3-2110

.You have a question on hiring faculty ..................................................................................Compliance and Equity Management - 3-2846

You want to hire a new staff person .................................................................................................................. Human Resources - 3-2422

There is a problem with your computer network services or E-Mail............................................................................. ITS Network - 3-5555

.You want to cater an event...................................................................................................................... Dining Services/Catering - 3-2333

You need help with your telephone..................................................................................................................Telephone Services - 3 -2436

You would like the President to attend an event ......................................................................................... Office of the President - 3-5085

You have a question on advising ...................................................................................................................... Academic Advising - 3-3406

Someone is interested in donating to your department...............................................................................................Development - 3-6078

You want publicity for an event...................................................................................................... Marketing and Public Relations - 3-2761

You are planning an event that will involve participants from off campus .............Conference and Event Services 3-5141/ Parking 3-3179

You need help with furnishing or interiors .....................................................................Interior Design Services/ Facilities Planning 3-2611

You want to talk to someone about ordering texts ............................................................................ University Book and Supply 266-7581

You want information on the faculty Union ................................................................................................................. United Faculty 3-2206

You need help getting in touch with alumni .............................................................................................................Alumni Relations 3-2355

You want to schedule something in Maucker Student Union ..............................................................................................................3-2256

You have question about mail ........................................................................................................................................ Mail Center 3-3230

You have a legal question ................................................................................................................................... University Counsel 3-3241

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The Administrative Organization Chart lists the names of the President, his Assistants, the Provost, and Vice Presidents. It can be found in the UNI Telephone Directory and online

Other key figures with whom Heads often interact:

Assistant to the President for Compliance and Equity ....................................................................................................................... 3-2846

Assistant Vice President & Executive Director, Residence................................................................................................................. 3-2333

Associate Director of Residence ........................................................................................................................................................ 3-2333

Assistant Provost for Research and Sponsored Programs………………………………….............................................................…..3-3214

Associate Provost for Academic Affairs ............................................................................................................................................. 3-2518

Associate Provost for Faculty…………………..........................................................................................………………………………3-2519

Associate Vice President for Educator Preparation…...........................................................................………………………………...3-3070

Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management………................................................................………………………………..3-2347

Senior Vice President, Finance and Operations.............................................................................................………………………….3-2382

Associate Registrar ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3-2212

Conference and Event Services ......................................................................................................................................................... 3-6899

Controller/Secretary/Treasurer........................................................................................................................................................... 3-3576

Dean, College of Business Administration ......................................................................................................................................... 3-6240

Dean, College of Education................................................................................................................................................................ 3-2717

Dean, College of Humanities, Arts and Sciences............................................................................................................................... 3-2725

Dean, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences ............................................................................................................................. 3-2221

Dean, Continuing Education and Special Programs .......................................................................................................................... 3-2122

Dean, Graduate College..................................................................................................................................................................... 3-2748

Dean, Library ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-2737

Dean of Students………………..............................................................................................................................…………………….3-2332

Director, Academic Advising............................................................................................................................................................... 3-3406

Director, Academic Learning Center .................................................................................................................................................. 3-2179

Director, Admissions........................................................................................................................................................................... 3-2281

Director, Career Services ................................................................................................................................................................... 3-6857

Director, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning……...........................................................................….…………………...3-2553

Director, Center for Multicultural Education……………………….................................................................................................…….3-2250

Director, Counseling Center ............................................................................................................................................................... 3-2676

Director, Dining Services .................................................................................................................................................................... 3-2333

Director, Environmental Health and Safety……………………..............................................................................................………….3-3189

Director, Facilities Management.......................................................................................................................................................... 3-4400

Director, Financial Aid………………………………........................................................................................................……………….3-2700

Director, Institutional Research and Effectiveness...........................................................................................…………………………3-3050

Director, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs…………………………...................................................................................3-3217

Director, Public Safety .........................................................................................................................................................................3-2712

Director, Student Life and Event Services……………….………………...............................................................................................3-2683

Director, Residence Facilities ..............................................................................................................................................................3-2333

Director, Undergraduate Studies……………………………………………….........................................................................................3-2633

Executive Director, International Programs…………..………………....................................................................................................3-6807

Human Resource Services..................................................................................................................................................................3-2423

Human Resources Coordinator - Professional and Scientific Staff......................................................................................................3-6060

Human Resources Coordinator – Merit Staff ......................................................................................................................................3-6300

University Registrar .............................................................................................................................................................................3-2244

University Relations…....……………………………………………………………………........................................................................3-2761

Vice President, Educational and Student Services ............................................................................................................................ 3-2331

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P&S                    Professional and Scientific Staff

MERIT                All other Staff

AFSCME            American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (Union)

SCMP                 Supervisory and Confidential Merit Personnel

AEOP                 Association of Educational Office Personnel

IPERS                Iowa Public Employee's Retirement System

TIAA-CREF        Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association and College Equities Fund

TSA                    Supplement Tax Sheltered Annuities

PAF                    Personnel Action Form

EAP                    Employee Action Form

PDA                    Professional Development Assignment

PAC                    Professional Assessment Committee



DESS                 Department of Educational and Student Services

NISG                  Northern Iowa Student Government

ADA                    Americans With Disabilities Act

ODS                   Office of Disability Services

EOP/SCS           Educational Opportunity Programs/Special Community Services

SOA                   Student Outcomes Assessment



CBA                   College of Business Administration

COE                  College of Education

CHAS                College of Humanities, Arts and Sciences

CSBS                College of Social and Behavioral Sciences



Pink Slip            The extremely informal looking form by which a Head adds a late course to the schedule

Tan Form           Student Request Form

CET                   Center for Educational Technology

ITS                     Information Technology Services

APR                   Academic Program Review

S&S                   Supplies and Services budget

ITTC                  Innovative Teaching and Technology Center

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Resources in Print

Blaxter, Loraine, Christina Hughes, Malcolm Tight. The Academic Career Handbook. Philadelphia, PA: Open University Press, 1998. ISBN 9-780335-198276

Griffin, Jack. How To Say It At Work: Putting Yourself Across With Power Words, Phrases, Body Language, And Communication Secrets. Prentice Hall Press: 1998. ISBN 0-7352-0012-2

Higgerson, Mary Lou. Communication Skills for Department Chairs. Anker Publishing Co., 1996. ISBN 1-882982-13-4

Higgerson, Mary Lou. The Department Chair as Academic Leader. Oryx Press: 1998. ISBN: 1573561347

Leaming, Deryl R. Academic Leadership: A Practical Guide To Chairing The Department. Anker Publishing Co., 1998. ISBN 1-882982- 22-3

Leaming, Deryl R., Editor. MANAGING PEOPLE: A Guide for Department Chairs and Deans. Anker Publishing Company, Inc., 2002. ISBN 1-882982-53-3

Lucas, Anne F. Leading Academic Change: Essential Roles for Department Chairs. Jossey-Bass, 2000. ISBN: 0787946826

Martin, Jane Roland. Coming of Age in Academe: Rekindling Women’s Hopes and Reforming the Academy. Routledge, 1999. ISBN 041592488X

Robbins, Stephen R. The Truth About Managing People, And Nothing But The Truth. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Financial Times Prentice-Hall, Pearson Education, Inc., 2002. ISBN: 013066927X

Toth, Emily. Ms. Mentor’s Impeccable Advice For Women In Academia. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997. ISBN 9-780812- 215663

Wergin, Jon F. DEPARTMENTS THAT WORK: Building and Sustaining Cultures of Excellence in Academic Programs. Williston, Vermont: Anker Publishing 

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